Category Archives: Heat production and distribution

Modernisation of the heat source in Pezinok

The new modernized boiler house for burning wood chips Sever in Pezinok is already in trial operation. Termming, a member of the ENGIE Group, has already taken several measures in the past to modernise its heating system. Another of the planned investments was the reconstruction of the boiler house and the change of fuel to a renewable energy source – biomass.

Investment of more than EUR 1 750 thousand for Malacky, Senica and Vrakuňa

Last year Cofely invested more than EUR 1 750 thousand in the heat farms in Malacky, Senica and Vrakuni. The investments were related to the construction of cogeneration units and the installation of a gas boiler in Malacky, the replacement and installation of a new, more efficient gas boiler in the wood biomass boiler house in Senica and the installation of a new conveyor for the automatic transfer and dumping of ash in the wood biomass boiler house on Železničná Street in Vrakuni.

Reconstruction of the heat management will bring benefits to Pezin residents

After the Cofely Group subsidiary Termming acquired the thermal power plant in Pezinok in 2013, it started significant investments in its renovation. Currently, the installation of KOSTs and the replacement of hot water pipelines is underway. The above-mentioned works mainly affect the residents receiving heat from the boiler houses Juh and Sever.
