Moldava nad Bodvou heats with wood chips

Moldava nad Bodvou 30 March 2012 – Tepelné hospodárstvo Moldava, a.s., a company belonging to the group of the French energy concern Cofely, put into operation a biomass boiler house in Moldava nad Bodvou and thus completed the demanding reconstruction of the former coal boiler house K6 on ul. Severná. The new wood chip source, which supplies heat to all the town’s inhabitants connected to the central supply, will bring more favourable heat prices for end consumers, as the price of wood chips is lower than the price of natural gas.

The aim of the investment in the total amount of EUR 2.67 million was to pressure-separate the heat sources from the heat exchangers, which will enable the priority use of a biomass heat source with a total installed capacity of 5 MW. The supplier of the wood chip combustion technology in Moldava nad Bodvou was Herz, one of the world’s leading suppliers of technical equipment for buildings, following a tender procedure. “The new heating plant will increase the energy security of the town and at the same time reduce the volume of greenhouse gases. For the residents, the alternative heat source is also good news because it brings more favourable heat prices, since with today’s trend of increasing primary energy prices, the price of wood chips is rising much slower than gas prices,” said Jozef Smolka, Director of the Energy Production and Distribution Division of Cofely, which owns the majority of the shares in the Moldava Heating Company. The project was also supported by a 50% subsidy from the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Economic Growth. The project also includes the installation of domestic heat transfer stations in eight residential buildings, as well as a hot water connection between these points of consumption and the boiler house. This part of the project was financed by the company Tepelné hospodárstvo Moldava.

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