Start of activity
110/22 kV transformer station
Great Ida
110/0,4 kV transformer station
Local local distribution systems HV/NN
Coverage of the whole Slovak Republic
Total annual distributed gas quantity
47.6 GWh
Services provided
- Distribution and supply of electricity
- Operation of energy infrastructure
- Legislative obligations
- Technical advice
Complaints handling
Service messages
IČO: 47 608 919
DIČ: 2023965944
IČDPH: SK2023965944
Bank connection
IBAN SK46 1100 0000 0029 4823 6009
Application for connection of consumer electrical equipment to the distribution system: companies and organizations
Application for connection of consumer electrical equipment to the distribution system: households
Process of connection of electricity generation equipment – small and local source to the local distribution system of ENGIE
Application for connection of a small domestic electricity generation source to the ENGIE MDS
Application for connection of a local electricity generation source to the ENGIE MDS
Application for test run (xls)
Application for change of electricity consumer at the off-take point
Application for change of gas customer at the off-take point
Application for connection of consumer electrical equipment to the distribution system, EN
Application for connection of a gas consumption facility to the distribution network up to 60k
Application for connection of a gas consumption facility to the distribution network up to 60k, EN
Application for connection of a gas consumption facility to the distribution network over 60k
Application for connection of a gas off-take installation to the distribution network above 60 t
Application for access to the distribution network and gas distribution
Request for termination of electricity consumption at the off-take point
Request for termination of gas consumption at the off-take point
Model Distribution Network Connection Agreement
Model notice of non-renewal of gas distribution contract
Important addresses
Office for Regulation of Network Industries
Tomášikova 28C
821 01 Bratislava 3
+421 2 581 004 11
Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
Mlynské nivy 44/a
827 15 Bratislava 212
Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency
Bajkalská 27
827 99 Bratislava
+421 2 58248111
Central Inspectorate of the Slovak Trade Inspection
P. O. BOX 29
Bajkalská 21/A
827 99 Bratislava
Information on the amendment of the Energy Act no. 251/2012 Coll. for vulnerable customers
Information about electricity price on the daily electricity market: OKTE – Short-term market
Information on the dynamic electricity price
Information on environmental impacts of electricity generation. Share of energy sources in total fuel volume:
Information on the possibility of switching electricity suppliers and a brief description of the switching process:
Link to compare offers from electricity suppliers:
- Price calculator for calculating the cost-effectiveness of electricity and gas supply for vulnerable customers in households
Provisional measure No 0180/2023/E-PRwhereby the Office for Regulation of Network Industries determines for the period from 8 August 2023 to 31 December 2023 the tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions for their application for the following operations: DS Nesto Sever, BA Bratská Street, Bratislava; DS Nesto Juh, BA Kopčianska Street, Bratislava
Provisional measure No 0059/2023/E-PRwhereby the Office for Regulation of Network Industries determines for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 the tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions for their application for the operation of DS EURÓPA SHOPPING & RELAX CENTER – ZVOLEN, Námestie SNP 63, 960 01 Zvolen
Provisional measure no. 0157/2023/E-PR whereby the Office for Regulation of Network Industries determines for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 the tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions for their application: for operation: DS, Nová Polhora, Nová Polhora
Provisional measure No 078/2023/E-PR, whereby the Office for Regulation of Network Industries determines for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 the tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions for their application for the following operations: the premises of Slovenský Hodváb, Senica; DS – Nákupné centrum Vajnoria; DS Green Point Offices a.s. MDS – Shopping palace na Zlatých pieskoch; DS Pradiareň1900 Bratislava; NC Markett Šurany; DS-industrial complex Hraničná,DS-CBC3, DS-BC4 Bratislava ; DS Slanec Bratislava; DS Koliba
Provisional measure No 091/2023/E-PR whereby the Office for Regulation of Network Industries determines for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 the tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions of their application for the operation of the Industrial Park Veľká Ida, 044 55 Veľká Ida
Provisional measure No 0108/2023/E-PR whereby the Office for Regulation of Network Industries determines for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 the tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions of their application for the following operations: DS CASSOVAR Košice; DS CASSOVAR 3rd stage, Košice; EcoPoint Office Center, Magnezitárska ulica, Košice; OD Hlavná 69/111; Košice.
Provisional measure No 0156/2023/E-PR, whereby the Office for Regulation of Network Industries determines for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 the tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions for their application: for the operations: DS-BC4 Karadžičova 14,BA; CBC 5-Karadžičova 16,Bratislava; DS Slanec Bratislava; DS Koliba Sraže II. Stage, Jeséniova 555, Bratislava; DS Koliba-Parkville Bratislava; DS Ružinovské centrum,Mraziarenská 113, Bratislava; DS CUBICON, Staré Grúnty 2920, Bratislava; DS Brečtanová, ul., Brečtanová no. 555, Bratislava; DS Industrial area Pezinok, Šenkvická 11, Pezinok; DS Horný Slanec, Bratislava; DS Mlynárka, Bratislava
Interim measure, No 0011/2023/E-PR of 16.01.2023 , whereby the Office for Regulation of Network Industries determines for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 the tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions of their application for the operation of the Industrial Park I, Sovietskych hrdinov Street and Industrial Park II, Stropkovská Street, 089 01 Svidník
Current Type diagrams of subscriptions
Price list for electricity distribution ZSD (valid from 1.1.2024)
Price list for electricity distribution VSD (valid from 1.1.2024)
Price list for electricity distribution SSD (valid from 1.1.2024
Price list for electricity distribution Veľká Ida ( valid from 1.1.2024)
Price list for electricity distribution Svidník ( valid from 1.1.2024)
Price list for gas distribution Senica (valid from 1.1.2024)
Price list for gas distribution Senica (valid from 1. 1. 2025.)
Electricity supply price list for non-regulated customers for 2025
Gas supply price list for non-regulated customers for 2025
Electricity price list for the supply of electricity to vulnerable household and non-household customers for the period from 01. 01. 2025 to 31. 12. 2027
Electricity price list for the supply of electricity to vulnerable household and non-household customers for the period from 01. 01. 2024 to 31. 12. 2024
Maximum price for connection when connecting an electricity consumer or electricity producer to the distribution system Industrial Park Veľká Ida, 044 55 Veľká Ida, at voltage levels from 1 kV up to and including 52 kV, which is in the amount of – for the applicant for connection 67,56 EUR/kW without VAT. Valid from 1 March 2023 to 29 February 2024
Price list for HV connection for 2024, Veľká Ida (valid from 01.03.2024)
PRICE DECISIONS (Electricity) – 2025
URSO price decision No.0005/2025/E dated 4.10.2024 for the supply of electricity to vulnerable electricity consumers and the conditions of their application with effect from 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2027, maximum prices for the supply of electricity to vulnerable electricity consumers and the conditions of their application (publication on 7.10.2024).
Price Decision URSO no. 0042/2025/P Tariffs for access to the distribution network and gas distribution for the period from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027 for the distribution network in the area of Slovenský hodváb SENICA.
Decision No 0056/2023/P of 23.1.2023, as amended by Decision No 0031/2024/P of 23.1.2023, is hereby amended as follows 24. 1. 2024.
Price Decision URSO, no. 0352/2023/E connection prices for connection to the distribution system at voltage level up to 1 kV for installations connected to the distribution system of the regional distribution system operator Východoslovenská distribučná, a . s., the maximum prices are valid in Decision No 0352/2023/P for the following periods:
- A. For the period from 1.1.2023 to 30.11.2023
- B. For the period from 1.12.2023 to 31.12.2023
- C. For the period from 1.1.2024 to 31.12.2024 with validity until the end of the 6th regulatory period
Price Decision URSO, no. 0353/2023/E connection prices for connection to the distribution system at voltage level up to 1 kV for installations connected to the distribution system of the regional distribution system operator Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s., maximum prices are valid in Decision No 0353/2023/P for the following periods:
- A. For the period from 1.1.2023 to 30.11.2023
- B. For the period from 1.12.2023 to 31.12.2023
- C. For the period from 1.1.2024 to 31.12.2024 with validity until the end of the 6th regulatory period
Price Decision URSO, no. 0351/2023/E connection prices for connection to the distribution system at voltage level up to 1 kV for installations connected to the distribution system of the regional distribution system operator Stredoslovenská distribučná, a. s., the maximum prices are valid in Decision No. 0351/2023/P for the following periods:
- A. For the period from 1.1.2023 to 30.11.2023
- B. For the period from 1.12.2023 to 31.12.2023
- C. For the period from 1.1.2024 to 31.12.2024 with validity until the end of the 6th regulatory period
Price Decision URSO, no. 0031/2024/P tariffs for access to the distribution network and gas distribution for the period from 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 with validity until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the distribution network in the area of Slovenský hodváb SENICA M e n i Decision No 0056/2023/P of 23.01.2023 with effect from 1 January 2024.
Pricing Decision No. 0294/2024/E dated 08.02.2024 – prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions for their application for the period from 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the operation of the Industrial Park Veľká Ida, 044 55 Veľká Ida m e n i Decision No 0280/2023/E of 28.12.2023
Pricing Decision No. 0293/2024/E dated 08.02.2024 – prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions for their application for the period from 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the operation of Industrial Park I. Sovietskych hrdinov Street and Industrial Park II. Stropkovská Street, 089 01 Svidník m e n i Decision No 0279/2023/E of 28.12.2023
Pricing Decision No. 0197/2024/E of 25.01.2024 – prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions for their application for the period from 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period in the operative part of Decisions No 0164/2023/E of 19 December 2023 and No 0298/2023/E of 04 January 2024, by which it amended Decision No 0259/2023/E of 21 December 2023 for the following operations: the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica; DS – Nákupné centrum Vajnoria; DS Green Point Offices a.s.; MDS – Shopping palace na Zlatých pieskoch; DS Pradiareň 1900 Bratislava; DS-industrial complex Hraničná; DS-CBC3 Karadžičova 12 BA, DS-BC4 Karadžičova 14 BA; DS Slanec Bratislava; DS Horný Slanec Bratislava; DS Koliba Stráže II. Stage, Jeséniova, Bratislava; DS – Koliba – Parkville Bratislava; DS – CBC 5, Karadžičova 16, Bratislava; DS – Ružinovské centrum, Mraziarenská 113, Bratislava; DS – CUBICON, Staré Grúnty 2920, Bratislava; DS – Brečtanová, ul. Brečtanová no. 555, Bratislava; DS – Industrial Area Pezinok, Šenkvická 11, Pezinok; DS Mlynárka, Bratislava; DS Nesto Sever, BA Bratská ulica, Bratislava; DS Nesto Juh, BA Kopčianska ulica, Bratislava,
Pricing Decision No. 0184/2024/E of 25.01.2024 – prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions for their application for the period from 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period in the operative part of Decision No 0165/2023/E of 19.12.2023 for the following operations: DS CASSOVAR Košice; DS CASSOVAR 3rd stage, Košice; EcoPoint Office Center, Magnezitárska ulica, Košice; OD Hlavná 69/111, Košice; DS Nová Polhora, Nová Polhora
Pricing Decision No. 0135/2024/E of 23 January 2024 – prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions of their application for the period from 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period in the operative part of Decision No 0195/2023/E of 19 December 2023 for the operation: DS EURÓPA SHOPPING & RELAX CENTER – ZVOLEN, Námestie SNP 63, 960 01 Zvolen
Price decision URSO Number 0050/2025/E-OZ dated 22.10.2024 amends Decision No 0176/2023/E-OZ of 15.12.2023, as amended by Decision No 0092/2024/E-OZ of 05.01.2024 for the period from 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2025 the fixed electricity price for the determination of the surcharge “Biogas station Moldava nad Bodvou”
Price Decision URSO Number 0092/2024/E-OZ for the years 2024 fixed price of electricity for the determination of the surcharge “Biogas station Moldava nad Bodvou” M e n i decision. 0176/2023/E-OZ of 15. 12. 2023
Pricing Decision No.176/2023/E-OZ from 15.12.2023 approved price for the period from 02.11.2023 to the end of the 6th regulatory period fixed price of electricity for the determination of the surcharge in the amount of 143,00 Euro/MWh, “Biogas plant Moldava nad Bodvou”
Pricing Decision No. 0280/2023/E – prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions of their application for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period for MDS: for the operation of Industrial Park Veľká Ida, 044 55 Veľká Ida
Pricing Decision No. 0279/2023/E – Prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions of their application for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the MDS: for the operation of Industrial Park I, Sovietskych hrdinov Street and Industrial Park II, Stropkovská Street, 089 01 Svidník
Pricing Decision No. 0298/2023/E, prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions for their application from 08 August 2023 to 31 December 2023, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period for MDS: DS Nesto Sever, BA Bratská ulica, Bratislava; DS Nesto Juh, BA Kopčianska ulica, Bratislava for the period from the date of delivery of the decision until 31 December 2023, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period
Pricing Decision No: 0164/2023/E prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions for their application for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 , valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the following operations: the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica; DS – Nákupné centrum Vajnoria; DS Green Point Offices a.s.; MDS – Shopping palace na Zlatých pieskoch; DS Pradiareň 1900 Bratislava; NC Market Šurany; DS-industrial premises Hraničná; DS-CBC3 Karadžičova 12 BA, DS-BC4 Karadžičova 14 BA; DS Slanec Bratislava; DS Horný Slanec Bratislava; DS Koliba Stráže II. Stage, Jeséniova, Bratislava; DS – Koliba – Parkville Bratislava; DS – CBC 5, Karadžičova 16, Bratislava; DS – Ružinovské centrum, Mraziarenská 113, Bratislava; DS – CUBICON, Staré Grúnty 2920, Bratislava; DS – Brečtanová, ul. Brečtanová no. 555, Bratislava; DS – Pezinok Industrial Area, Šenkvická 11, Pezinok; DS Mlynárka, Bratislava for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023
Pricing decision number: 0165/2023/E prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions for their application for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 , valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the following operations: DS CASSOVAR Košice; DS CASSOVAR 3rd stage, Košice; EcoPoint Office Center, Magnezitárska ulica, Košice; OD Hlavná 69/111, Košice; DS Nová Polhora, Nová Polhora
URSO price decision number: 0105/2023/P For the period from 29 November 2023 to 31 December 2023, with effect until the end of the 6th regulatory period, the maximum prices for the connection of a gas off-take facility for vulnerable customers and non-vulnerable customers to the distribution network
Price Decision of URSO dated 7.11.2023, No 0009/2024/E for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024 the maximum prices for electricity supply to vulnerable electricity consumers and the conditions for their application
No.0099/2024/E dated 19.12.2023 for the supply of electricity to vulnerable electricity consumers and the conditions of their application with effect from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024 Amends Decision No 0009/2024/E of 07.11.2023 for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024 amending electricity supply tariffs for vulnerable household electricity customers” at rates DD1 and DD2
Price Decision URSO, no. 0056/2023/P tariffs for access to the distribution network and gas distribution for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 with validity until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the distribution network in the area of Slovenský hodváb SENICA
Price Decision URSO no. 0057/2023/P tariffs for access to the distribution network and gas distribution for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 with validity until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the local distribution network DS – Koliba Stráže
Price Decision URSO no. 0058/2023/P tariffs for access to the distribution network and gas distribution for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 with validity until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the local distribution network DS – Komplex Cassovar
Price Decision URSO no. 0053/2023/P tariffs for access to the distribution network and gas distribution for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 with validity until the end of the 6th regulatory period for the local distribution network DS – Horný Slanec
Pricing Decision No. 0033/2023/P dated 9.1.2023 for the period from 01 January 2023 until the end of the 6th regulatory period, the maximum price for access to the distribution network and gas distribution for the local distribution network DS – industrial park Veľká Ida, in the amount of 0.0691 €/m3, i.e. 6.4639 €/MWh.
PRICE DECISION, number: 0046/2023/E valid from 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023
Maximum prices for the supply of electricity to electricity consumers and the conditions for their application:
- for the supply of electricity to vulnerable household electricity customers
- for the supply of electricity to vulnerable non-household electricity consumers pursuant to Section 2(k) of the third point of Act No. 250/2012 Coll.
Pricing decision no. 0309/2022/E dated 28.09.2022 effective from 1 October 2022 until the end of the 5th regulatory period for operations: the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica, DS – Vajnoria Shopping Centre, DS Green Point Offices a.s., MDS Shopping Palace na Zlatých Pieskoch 2/A Bratislava, DS Pradiareň 1900 Bratislava, Svätoplukova 2/18892, Bratislava, DS – NC Markett Šurany, Žofie Bosniakovej 2179, 942 01 Šurany and DS Industrial Area, Hraničná 16, 821 05 Bratislava, DS – CBC3, Karadžičova 12 Bratislava, DS – CBC4, Karadžičova 14 Bratislava, CBC5, Karadžičova 16, Bratislava M e n i of Decision No 0279/2018/E of 27.11.2018, as amended by Decision No 0100/2019/E of 14.12.2018, as amended by Decision No 0156/2020/E of 12.12.2019, as amended by Decision No 0263/2020/E of 27.01.2020, as amended by Decision No 0263/2020/E of 27.01.2020, as amended by Decision No. 0102/2021/E of 17.12.2021, as amended by Decision No 0191/2021/E of 21.01.2021, as amended by Decision No 0323/2021/E of 03.12.2021, as amended by Decision No 0182/2022/E of 19.01.2022 and as amended by Decision No 0285/2022/E of 25.02.2022
Price decision number: 0191/2021/E dated 21.01.2021 valid from 1 February 2021 until the end of the 5th regulatory period
These are Tariffs for access to the distribution system and distribution of electricity for distribution system users except for distribution system users in households, whose electricity consumption equipment or electricity supply equipment is connected to the distribution system of the distribution system operator ENERGY DISTRIBUTION, s.r.o., Jarošova 2961/1, 831 03 Bratislava, ID No. 47 608 919 for operations: Slovak Silk in Senica, DS – Shopping Centre Vajnoria, DS Green Point Offices a.s., MDS Shopping Palace na Zlatých Pieskoch 2/A Bratislava and DS Pradiareň 1900 Bratislava, Svätoplukova 2/18892, Bratislava. These tariffs also include prices for access to the transmission system, electricity transmission and electricity losses during electricity transmission.
Pricing Decision 0191/2021/E of 21.01.2021 M e m b e r Decision No. 0279/2018/E of 27.11.2018 as amended by Decision No. 0100/2019/E of 14.12.2018 as amended by Decision No. 0156/2020/E of 12.12.2019 as amended by Decision No. 0263/2020/E of 27.01.2020 as amended by Decision No. 0102/2021/E of 17.12.2020.
Pricing decision Number: 0156/2020/E dated 12.12.2019.
The tariffs are valid for the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021 – access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity in the area of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica and the conditions of their application:
Part A. Tariffs for access to the distribution system and distribution of electricity for users of the distribution system except for electricity consumers in households regulated entity ENERGY DISTRIBUTION, s.r.o., Jarošova 2961/1,831 03 Bratislava, ID No. 47 608 919, for the operation: the premises of the Slovak Silk Mill in Senica M e n i Decision No 0279/2018/E of 27.11.2018, as amended by Decision No. 0100/2019/E of 14.12.2018 for the period from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2021
Decision No. 0263/2020/E dated 27.01.2020 , valid from 1.2.2020 to 31.12.2021
In the operative part of Decision No 0263/2020/E, the words “for the operation: the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica” are replaced by “for the operations: the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica, DS – Nákupné centrum Vajnoria and DS Green Point Offices a.s.” Other parts of Decision No 0279/2018/E of 27.11.2018, as amended č. 0100/2019/E of 14.12.2018, as amended by Decision No. 0156/2020/E of 12.12.2019, remain unchanged. This Decision forms an integral part of Decision No. 0279/2018/E of 27 November 2018, as amended by Decision No 0100/2019/E of 14 December 2018, as amended by Decision No 0156/2020/E of 12 December 2019
Price for gas supply to vulnerable customers and conditions of their application from 7.05.2019 to 31.12.2021Pricing Decision No . 0036/2019/P dated 29.04.2019
Price list for gas supply for Vulnerable gas customers valid from 7.5.2019
Decision No: 0014/2018/P
The approved maximum price for access to the distribution network and distribution of gas for the period from 01 March 2018 to 31 December 2021 is in the amount of 0.0577 €/m3, i.e. 5.3976 €/MWh for the local distribution network in Velika Ida, decision number 0014/2018/P.
Pricing decision Number: 0032/2022/P
Maximum price for access to the distribution network and distribution of gas for the local distribution network in Velika Ida, with effect from 16.11.2021 until the end of the 5th regulatory period. This Decision forms an integral part of Decision No. 0014/2018/P dated 26/02/2018.
Pricing Decision No. Number: 0054/2021/P dated 22.12.2020
Price for access to the distribution network and distribution of gas for the period from 1.01.2021 to the end of the regulatory period applicable to the distribution network in Senica (this decision forms an integral part of Decision No. 0037/2019P of 30.04.2019)
Pricing Decision No. 0037/2019/P dated 30.04.2019
Price for access to the distribution network and gas distribution for the period from 7.05.2019 to 31.12.2021 valid for the local distribution network in Senica
Pricing decision Number: 0156/2020/E dated 12.12.2019.
The tariffs are valid for the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021 – access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity in the area of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica and the conditions of their application: Part A. Tariffs for access to the distribution system and distribution of electricity for users of the distribution system except for electricity consumers in households regulated entity ENERGY DISTRIBUTION, s.r.o., Jarošova 2961/1,831 03 Bratislava, ID No. 47 608 919, for the operation: the premises of the Slovak Silk Mill in Senica m e n í Decision No 0279/2018/E of 27.11.2018, as amended by Decision No. 0100/2019/E of 14.12.2018 for the period from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2021 beyond this
Price Decision No.0100/2019/ E (pdf) of 14.12.2018
The tariffs are valid for the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019 – access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity in the area of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica and the conditions of their application: Part A. Tariffs for access to the distribution system and distribution of electricity for users of the distribution system except for electricity consumers in households
Pricing Decision No. 0100/2019/E changes the operative part of the pricing decision no. 0279/2018/E . of 27.11.2018.
Pricing Decision, no. 0279/2022/E dated 22.02.2022 for the period from 01.03.2022 to the end of the 5th regulatory period (31.12.2022) . Tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions of their application for the operation of the Industrial Park I, Sovietskych hrdinov Street and Industrial Park II, Stropkovská Street, 089 01 Svidník amends Decision No 0317/2021/E of 24 November 2021
Pricing Decision, No 0280/2022/E dated 22.02.2022 for the period from 01.03.2022 to the end of the 5th regulatory period (31.12.2022). Tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions for their application for the operation of the Industrial Park Veľká Ida, 044 55 Veľká Ida amends Decision No 0258/2018/E of 22.02.2018 and as amended by Decision No 0303/2021/E of 25.10.2021
Pricing Decision, no. 0285/2022/E dated 25.02.2022 for the period from 01.03.2022 to the end of the 5th regulatory period (31.12.2022) . Tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions of their application for the following operations: the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica, DS – Nákupné centrum Vajnoria, DS Green Point Offices a.s., MDS Shopping Palace na Zlatých Pieskoch 2/A Bratislava, DS Pradiareň 1900 Bratislava, Svätoplukova 2/18892, Bratislava, DS – NC Markett Šurany, Žofie Bosniakovej 2179, 942 01 Šurany and DS Industrial Complex, Hraničná 16, 821 05 Bratislava amend Decision No 0279/2018/E of 27 November 2018 as amended by Decision No. 0100/2019/E of 14.12.2018, as amended by Decision No 0156/2020/E of 12.12.2019, as amended by Decision No 0263/2020/E of 27.01.2020, as amended by Decision No 0102/2021/E of 17.12.2021, as amended by Decision No 0191/2021/E of 21.01.2021, as amended by Decision No 0323/2021/E of 03.12.2021, as amended by Decision No 0182/2022/E of 19.01.2022
Price list for gas distribution for the local distribution network Senica with effect from 1 February 2022 until the end of the 5th regulatory period
Pricing Decision Number: 0263/2022/E dated 31.01.2022 for the period from 01.02.2022 until the end of the 5th regulatory period
For the application of tariffs for access to the distribution system and distribution of electricity for the operations of EcoPoint Office Center, Magnezitárska ulica, Košice and OD Hlavná 69/111, Košice – Staré Mesto amends Decision No. 0103/2021/E of 17 December 2020 as amended by Decision No. 0256/2021/E of 25 January 2021 as amended by Decision No. 0291/2021/E of 29 March 2021.
Price Decision 0172/2022/E dated 25.01.2022 for the period from 01. 02. 2022 until the end of the 5th regulatory period
For the application of tariffs for access to the distribution system and distribution of electricity for all users of the distribution system of the distribution system operator ENERGY DISTRIBUTION, s.r.o. amends Decision No. 0104/2021/E of 17 December 2020, as amended by Decision No. 0128/2021/E of 26 January 2021
Pricing Decision Number: 0077/2022/P dated 19.01.2022
Price for access to the distribution network and gas distribution with effect from 1 February 2022 until the end of the 5th regulatory valid for the distribution network in Senica (this decision changes the Decision No 0037/2019/P of 30 April 2019 as amended by Decision No 0054/2021/P of 22 December 2020 for the Senica local distribution network)
Pricing Decision Number: 0182/2022/E dated 19.01.2022 for the period from 1.2.2022 to the end of the 5th regulatory period
Tariffs for access to the distribution system and distribution of electricity for users of the distribution system with the exception of users of the distribution system in households for the following operations: the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica, DS – Nákupné centrum Vajnoria, DS Green Point Offices a.s., MDS Shopping Palace na Zlatých Pieskoch 2/A Bratislava, DS Pradiareň 1900 Bratislava, Svätoplukova 2/18892, Bratislava, and DS – NC Markett Šurany, Žofie Bosniakovej 2179, 942 01 Šurany.
Pricing Decision No. 0030/2022/E dated 22.11.2021 – prices and conditions of electricity supply in individual tariffs for the supply of electricity to households and to small enterprises (valid from 1.1.2022 until the end of the fifth regulatory period) The prices in decision are determined for the regulated activity of supply of electricity to vulnerable electricity consumers, which is carried out by ENERGY DISTRIBUTION, s.r.o.
Pricing Decision No. 0317/2021/E dated 21.11.2021 – prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity for the period from 1 December 2021 to the end of the 5th regulatory period for the operation of Industrial Park I. Sovietskych hrdinov Street and Industrial Park II. Stropkovská Street , 089 01 Svidnik
Pricing Decision No. 0323/2021/E dated 3.12.2021
Tariffs for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions of their application valid from 3.12.2021 until the end of the 5th regulatory period for the following operations: the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica, DS – Nákupné centrum Vajnoria,DS Green Point Offices a.s., MDS Shopping Palace na Zlatých Pieskoch 2/A Bratislava, DS Pradiareň 1900 Bratislava, Svätoplukova 2/18892, Bratislava and DS – NC Markett Šurany, Žofie Bosniakovej 2179, 942 01 Šurany
Price decision URSO, No. 0092/2025/E connection prices for connection to the distribution system at voltage level up to 1 kV for installations connected to the distribution system of the regional distribution system operator Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s., amends decision no. 0353/2023/E of 13 February 2024, approving the connection prices for connection to the distribution system at a voltage level up to 1 kV so that for the period from 01 January 2025 to 31 December 2027 adds Decision No 0353/2023/E of 13.02.2024
Price decision URSO, No. 0095/2025/E connection prices for connection to the distribution system at voltage level up to 1 kV for installations connected to the distribution system of the regional distribution system operator
Východoslovenská distribučná, a. s., amends Decision No 0352/2023/E of 14.02.2024, approving the connection prices for connection to the distribution system at voltage levels up to 1 kV, so that for the period from 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2027 adds Decision No 0352/2023/E of 14.02.2024
Price decision URSO, No 0091/2025/E connection prices for connection to the distribution system at voltage level up to 1 kV for installations connected to the distribution system of the regional distribution system operator Stredoslovenská distribučná, a. s., amends decision no. 0351/2023/E of 13 February 2024, approving the connection prices for connection to the distribution system at a voltage level up to 1 kV so that for the period from 01 January 2025 to 31 December 2027 adds Decision No 0351/2023/E of 13.02.2024
Electricity price list for vulnerable electricity consumers in households and small businesses valid from 1.01.2019 until 31.12.2021
Electricity price list for vulnerable electricity consumers in households and small businesses valid from 1.12.2018
Prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and conditions for their application for the period from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 , valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period for operation: DS EURÓPA SHOPPING & RELAX CENTER – ZVOLEN, Námestie SNP 63, 960 01 Zvolen – Number: 0195/2023/E
Price for access to the local distribution system and electricity distribution for distribution system users for the operation of EUROPA SCHOPPING & RELAX CENTER -Námestie SNP 9690/63, 960 01 Zvolen for the period from 01. 01. 2021 – Decision No. 104/2021/E
Price for access to the local distribution system and electricity distribution for distribution system users for the operation of EUROPA SCHOPPING & RELAX CENTER -Námestie SNP 9690/63, 960 01 Zvolen for the period from 01. 02. 2021 to the end of the 5th regulatory period – Decision No. 128/2021/E
Prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity for users of the distribution system for the operation of EcoPoint Office Center, Magnezitárska ulica, Košice and OD Hlavná 69/111, Košice – Staré Mesto for the period from 01.04.2021 to 31.12.2021 with extended effect for one year until 31.12.2022. – Decision No. 0291/2021/E dated 29.03.2021
Prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity for users of the distribution system for the operation of EcoPoint Office Center Magnezitárska ulica, Košice for the period from 01. 01. 2021 – Decision No. 103/2021/E
Price for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity for users of the distribution system for the operation of EcoPoint Office Center Magnezitárska ulica, Košice for the period from 01. 02. 2021 until the end of the 5th regulatory period – Decision No. 256/2021/E
Prices for access to the local distribution system and distribution of electricity and the conditions of their application for the operations : the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica, the premises of Slovenský Hodváb in Senica, DS – Nákupné centrum Vajnoria, DS Green Point Offices a.s. and MDS Shopping Palace na Zlatých Pieskoch 2/A Bratislava” for the period from 01.01.2021 to the end of the 5th regulatory period – Decision No. 102/2021/E
Authorisation for the production and distribution of heat, 1st amendment
Electricity business licence, 18th amendment
Authorisation for gas distribution and supply, 8th amendment
Terms and conditions-shared-gas-supply-for-end-gas-consumers-except-households-and-small-enterprises-with-annual-consumption-more-than-100-000-kWh-from-1.1.2024
Terms and conditions-shared-gas-supply-for-end-gas-consumers-except-households-and-small-enterprises-with-annual-consumption-of-more-than-100-000-kWh-from-1.1.2024
Terms and conditions-supply-of-electricity-for-end-users-of-electricity-except-users-of-electricity-in-households-and-small-businesses-other-than-1.1.2024
Terms and conditions of electricity supply in the provision of universal service for small enterprises, effective from 01.01.2024
Terms and conditions of electricity supply in the provision of universal service for household electricity customers effective from 01.01.2024
Terms and conditions of combined gas supply for end-users of gas, except for household and small business gas customers with annual gas consumption of more than 100 000 kWh for the previous year, effective from 01.01.2023
Terms and conditions of the combined gas supply for end-users of gas, except households and small enterprises with an annual consumption of 100 000 kWh or less, effective from 1.1.2023
Terms and conditions of the pooled electricity supply for electricity end-users, except household electricity customers and small enterprises, effective from 1. 1. 2023
Terms and conditions of the pooled electricity supply for electricity end-users except household electricity customers and small enterprises effective from 01.01.2021
Terms and conditions of the pooled gas supply for end-users of gas, except for household and small business customers with an annual gas consumption of 100 000 kWh or less in the preceding year. Effective from 1.1.2021
Terms and conditions of the pooled gas supply for end-users of gas, except for household and small business gas customers with an annual gas consumption of more than 100 000 kWh in the previous year. Effective from 1.1.2021
Terms and conditions of combined gas supply for end-users of gas except for household and small business gas customers with annual consumption above 100 000 kWh effective from 1.5.2019
Terms and conditions of combined gas supply for end-users of gas, except for household and small business gas customers with annual consumption up to 100 000 kWh effective from 1.5.2019
Terms and conditions of electricity supply in the provision of universal service for small enterprises effective from 09.01.2021
Terms and conditions of electricity supply in the provision of universal service for household electricity customers effective from 09.01.2021
Decision No. 0010/2020/E-OP dated 10.12.2020 Terms and conditions of electricity supply in the provision of universal service for small enterprises
Decision No. 0009/2020/E-OP dated 10.12.2020 Terms and conditions of electricity supply in the provision of universal service for electricity consumers in households
Decision No.0021/2022/E-OO, dated 16.5.2022
Decision No. 003/2019 /E-OP dated 17.07.2019
Terms and conditions of electricity supply in the provision of universal service for small enterprises valid from 25.7.2019
URSO Decision No: 0005/2018/E-OP dated 21. 02. 2018
Terms and conditions of electricity supply in the provision of universal service for small enterprises valid until 25.7.2019
Terms and conditions of gas supply in the provision of universal service for small enterprises approved under No.: 0002/2019/P-OPM, legally valid on 17.05.2019
Decision, No. 0002/2019/P-OP to the Commercial Terms and Conditions of Gas Supply No. 0002/2019/P-OPM
Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Electricity to Households, Decision No. 0026/2018/E-OP
Terms and conditions of electricity supply in the provision of universal service for small enterprises, effective 1.3.2018
Decision No. 0035/2021/E-PP dated 21.07.2021
Decision No.0004/2022/P-PP, dated 01.07.2022
Notice of acceptance of the model Operating Rules of the local distribution network operator
Model operating rules for the distribution network operator (DSO)
Notice of receipt of the model operating rules for the local distribution system
Model Operating Rules for Local Distribution System Operators (DSO)
Local distribution system operator’s operating rules
Operating rules of the distribution network provider
ED MDS Technical Specifications
Choice of distribution tariff for households and switching times for high and low tariffs
Technical conditions of the local distribution system operator, effective from 26.04.2023
Technical conditions of the local distribution system operator, effective from 09.01.2023
Technical conditions of the local distribution system operator effective from 3.1.2021
Technical conditions of the distribution system operator, effective from 09.01.2023
Technical conditions of the distribution system operator, effective from 9.1.2021
Technical conditions of connection of the distribution system operator, valid from 7.4.2018
Technical conditions of connection of the distribution network operator, valid with effect from 6.5.2018
Quality standards for 2023, electricity distribution
Quality standards for 2023, electricity supply
Quality standards for 2022, electricity distribution
Quality standards for 2022, electricity supply
Quality standards for 2021, electricity distribution
Quality standards for 2021, electricity supply
Quality standards for 2020, electricity distribution
Quality standards for 2020, electricity supply
Quality standards for the CHP 2023 area
Quality standards for the supply of GAS – 2023
Quality Standards for Distribution PLYN – 2023
Quality standards for the supply of PLYN – 2022
Quality Standards Distribution PLYN – 2022
Quality Standards for PLYN Supply – 2021
Quality Standards Distribution PLYN – 2021
Quality Standards Delivery PLYN – 2020
Quality Standards Distribution PLYN – 2020
Quality standards for 2022, electricity distribution
Quality standards for 2022, electricity supply
Quality standards for the supply of GAS – 2022
Quality Standards for Distribution PLYN – 2022
Certificate of origin of electricity from RES
Certificate of origin of electricity from renewable energy sources Number: 0109/2023/PoP-OZE for the period from 02.11.2023 to 31.12.2023, for the facility of the electricity producer “Biogas station CZT Moldava nad Bodvou”