Total installed power
66,5 MW
Installed capacity: biomass
18,2 MW
Annual heat production
61,3 MWh
Number of boiler rooms
Length of wiring
7.6 km
Installed capacity of CHP units
0,7 MW
Services provided
- Production and distribution of heat and cold
- Facility management
- Technology installation and technical service
- Energy services
- Guaranteed energy service
- Modernisation of public lighting
- Electromobility
Complaints handling
Service messages
ENGIE Services a.s.
Tepelné hospodárstvo Brezová pod Bradlom
Družstevná 585
906 13 Brezová pod Bradlom
IČO: 35 966 289
DIC: 2022091995
IČDPH: SK2022091995
Bank connection:
SK58 7500 0080 1005 5515 0053
Certificate of origin of electricity produced by high-efficiency combined heat and power generation No.0005/2023/PoP-KV for the year 2022 for KGJ K4
Certificate of origin of electricity produced by high-efficiency combined heat and power generation No.0004/2023/PoP-KV for the year 2022 for KGJ K8
Certificate of origin of electricity produced by high-efficiency combined production No.0078/2022/PoP-KV for the year 2021 for KGJ K4
Certificate of origin of electricity produced by high-efficiency combined production No.0077/2022/PoP-KV for the year 2021 for KGJ K8
Certificate of origin of electricity produced by high-efficiency combined heat and power generation No.0026/2021/PoP-KV for the year 2020 for KGJ K4
Certificate of origin of electricity produced by high-efficiency combined heat and power generation No.0027/2021/PoP-KV for the year 2020 for KGJ K8
Certificate of origin of electricity produced by high-efficiency combined production No.0075/2020/PoP-KV
Potvrdenie o pôvode elektriny vyrobenej vysoko účinnou kombinovanou výrobou č. 0074/2020/PoP-KV
Certificate of origin of electricity produced by high-efficiency cogeneration for the year 2018 for KGJ K8, č. 0046/2019/PoP-KV
Potvrdenie o pôvode elektriny vyrobenej vysoko účinnou kombinovanou výrobou za rok 2018 pre KGJ K4, č. 0045/2019/PoP-KV
Certificate of origin of electricity No.0063/2018PoP-KV KGJ K4
Potvrdenie o pôvode elektriny č. 0061/2018/PoP-KV KGJ K8
Potvrdenie o pôvode elektriny č. 0093/2017/PoP-KV vyrobenej vysoko účinnou kombinovanou výrobou KGJ K8
Pricing decisions – KGJ K8
Potvrdenie o pôvode elektriny vyrobenej vysoko účinnou kombinovanou výrobou č. 0010/2024/PoP-KV za rok 2023 pre KGJ K8
Cenové rozhodnutie ÚRSO č. 0065/2024/E-KV, Pevná cena elektriny pre stanovenie doplatku (KGJ K8 ) zo dňa 9.11.2023
Cenové rozhodnutie ÚRSO č. 0073/2023/E-KV, Pevná cena elektriny pre stanovenie doplatku (KGJ K8 ) zo dňa 25.10.2022
Cenové rozhodnutie URSO č. 0007/2021/E-KV Pevná cena elektriny pre stanovenie doplatku na rok 2021 (KGJ K8)
Cenové rozhodnutie ÚRSO č. 0067/2022/E-KV, Pevná cena elektriny pre stanovenie doplatku na rok 2022 (KGJ K8), zo dňa 9.8.2021
Pricing decisions – KGJ K4
Certificate of origin of electricity produced by high-efficiency cogeneration No. 0011/2024/PoP-KV for the year 2023 for KGJ K4
Cenové rozhodnutie ÚRSO č. 0066/2024/E-KV, Pevná cena elektriny pre stanovenie doplatku (KGJ K4 ) zo dňa 9.11.2023
Price Decision of the Office of the Regulatory Office of the Czech Republic No. 0061/2023/E-KV, Fixed price of electricity for the determination of the surcharge (KGJ K4) dated 17.10.2022 for the period from 01.01.2023 to the end of the 6th regulatory period
Cenové rozhodnutie URSO č. 0063/2021/E-KV Pevná cena elektriny pre stanovenie doplatku na rok 2021 (KGJ K4)
Cenové rozhodnutie ÚRSO č. 0066/2022/E-KV, Pevná cena elektriny pre stanovenie doplatku na rok 2022 (KGJ K4) zo dňa 9.8.2021
Price – heat
Price Decision No.0119/2024/T dated 12.12.2023 with effect from 1 January 2024 until the end of the 6th regulatory period shall amend Decision No. 0201/2023/T for the consumption points in Brezová pod Bradlom, Malacky, Nitra, Senica
Cenové rozhodnutie č. 0201/2023/T dated 19.12.2022, for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, valid until the end of the 6th regulatory period, for off-take points in Brezová pod Bradlom, Malacky, Nitra, Senica, Vrbové
Cenové rozhodnutie č. 0381/2022/T Decision No 0374/2017/T of 14.06.2017, as amended by Decision No 0119/2019/T of 05.12.2018, as amended by Decision No 0299/2021/T of 07.09.2021, and as amended by Decision No 0350/2022/T of 27.09.2022, for consumption points in the town of Brezová pod Bradlom , with effect from 1 December 2022 to 31 December 2022
Cenové rozhodnutie č. 0348/2022/T dated 27.09.2022, valid from 1 October 2022 to 31.12.2022 for consumption points in the town of Vrbové, m e n i o n a l d e c i s i o n No. 0112/2020/T dated 12.10.2020
Cenové rozhodnutie č. 0349/2022/T of 27.09.2022, valid from 1 October 2022 to 31.12.2022 for off-take points in the city of Nitra shall be replaced by Decision No 0205/2019/T of 03.06.2019 as amended by Decision No 0144/2021/T of 07.09.2021 and Decision No 0046/2022/T of 03.12.2021
C enové rozhodnutie č. 0350/2022/T dated 27.09.2022 valid from 1 October 2022 to 31.12.2022 for the consumption points in the town of Senica, Malacky, Brezová pod Bradlom, m e n i o n a l d e c i s i o n No. 0374/2017/T dated 14.06.2017 in the wording of decision No. 0119/2019/T dated 05.12.2018 in the wording of decision No. 0299/2021/T dated 07.09.2021 in the wording of decision No. 0048/2022/T dated 03.12.2021 and in the wording of decision No. 0304/2022/T dated 28.07.2022
Cenové rozhodnutie č. 0304/2022/T zo dňa 28.07.2022 valid from 1 August 2022 to 31 December 2022 for the consumption points in the town of Senica, Malacky , Brezová pod Bradlom, m e n i o n a l d e c i s i o n No 0374/2017/T dated 14.06.2017, as amended by Decision No 0119/2019/T dated 05.12.2018, as amended by Decision No 0299/2021/T dated 07.09.2021, and as amended by Decision No 0048/2022/T dated 03.12.2021.
Cenové rozhodnutie č. 0046/2022/T zo dňa 3.12.2021 platné from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 (for off-take points in the city of NITRA), modifies Decision No. 0205/2019/T of 03.06.2019 as amended by Decision No. 0144/2021/T of 07.09.2021
Cenové rozhodnutie č. 0048/2022/T zo dňa 3.12.2021 platné from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 (for off-take points in Senica, Malacky and Brezová pod Bradlom), modifies Decision No 0374/2017/T of 14.06.2017 as amended by Decision No 0119/2019/T of 05.12.2018 and Decision No 0299/2021/T of 07.09.2021.
Cenové rozhodnutie č. 0299/2021/T zo dňa 7.09.2021 do 31.12.2022 (for consumption points in Senica, Malacky and Brezová pod Bradlom), this decision forms an integral part of Decision No 0374/2017/T of 14.06.2017 as amended by Decision No 0119/2019/T of 05.12.2018
Cenové rozhodnutie č. 0144/2021/T zo dňa 7.09.2021 do 31.12.2022 (for off-take points in the city of NITRA), this decision forms an integral part of Decision No. 0205/2019/T dated 03.06.2019.
Permit – heat
Povolenie na výrobu a rozvod tepla – 26. zmena
Permit – electricity
Povolenie na podnikanie v elektroenergetike – 10. zmena
Quality Standards – Heat
Quality Standards 2023
Quality Standards 2022
Quality standards for heat, 2021
ENGIE Services Quality Standards – Electricity
Quality standards for 2020, electricity distribution
Quality standards for 2020, electricity supply
Quality standards for 2019, electricity distribution
Disclosure of data – KGJ K8 and KGJ K4
Publication of KGJ K8 and KGJ K4 data for 2023
Publication of KGJ K8 and KGJ K4 data for 2022
Publication of KGJ data for 2021
Operating rules of the distribution system operator ENGIE Services, 0017/2016/E-PP
Terms and conditions for the supply of electricity in the provision of universal service for small enterprises, 0014/2016/E-OP
Application for connection of an electrical consumer equipment to the distribution system
Instructions to the final electricity customer on the supply of last resort
Wood chips / Biomass
Geographical origin of biomass – wood chips for heat production in 2023 for ENGIE Group companies in Slovakia.
Important contacts
SSE – Distribúcia, a.s. (valid for the Central region in Slovakia – electricity)
800 159 000
Východoslovenská Distribučná, a.s. (valid for the East region in Slovakia – electricity)
800 123 332
Information and documentation Brezová pod Bradlom
REPORT ON OPERATIONAL MEASUREMENTS OF NOX and CO EMISSIONS from the combustion plant – boiler K2 for natural gas combustion in the air pollution source: boiler house S1, Dolné Lúky 362, Brezová pod Bradlom
REPORT ON RELEASED MEASUREMENTS OF TZL, NOX, CO and TOC EMISSIONS from combustion equipment – boilers K1, K2 for biomass combustion and boilers K3, K4 for natural gas combustion in the air pollution source: boiler house S3, Piešt’anská 14/9, Brezová pod Bradlom
Havarijná výmena potrubia rozovdov ÚK a TÚV na Sídlisku 7. apríla v Brezovej pod Bradlom (pdf)
Výzva na predkladanie ponúk, názov zákazky: „Havarijná výmena potrubia rozvodov ÚK a TÚV na sídlisku 7. apríla v Brezovej pod Bradlom“, zverejnená 27.9.2017
Príloha č. 1, Výkaz,výmer
Príloha č. 2, Projektová dokumentácia
Prílohe č. 3, Zmluva o dielo
Prílohe č. 4, Vzor návrhu kritérií
Výzva na predkladanie ponúk, názov zákazky: „Havarijná výmena potrubia rozvodov ÚK a TÚV na sídlisku 7. apríla v Brezovej pod Bradlom“, zverejnená 31.8.2017
Príloha č. 1, Výkaz,výmer
Príloha č. 2, Projektová dokumentácia
Annex no.
3, Work contract, ZsNH
NFP contract
NFP Contract, Amendment No 1
NFP Contract, Amendment No 2