Start of the heating season

Bratislava, 28 September 2020

ENGIE* Group companies, which operate heating systems in several towns and villages in Slovakia, started the heating season today (28 September 2020). The companies started to supply heat for heating on the basis of the current climatic conditions, in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Economy No.152/2005, § 1 Determined time of heat supply, paragraph 1. The information about the beginning of the heating season does not apply to the customers of the company Tepelné hospodárstvo Moldava, a.s. and Termming, a.s. in Veľké Kapušany. In view of the preliminary weather forecast, both heat farms could start supplying heat in the next few days.


* ENGIE Group companies that operate thermal power plants:

  • ENGIE Services, a.s.
  • LMT, a.s.
  • Prvá ružinovská spoločnosť, a.s.
  • Račianska teplárenská, a.s.
  • SKAL&CO, spol. s r.o.
  • Službyt, spol. s r.o.
  • Tepelné hospodárstvo Moldava, a.s.
  • Termming, a.s.