ENGIE Services has been providing comprehensive technical property management services for Slovenské elektrárne since July 2020. Under a 3-year contract (with a one-year option), ENGIE covers the management of buildings and facilities of the power plants in 5 locations – Bratislava, Mochovce, Bohunice, Trenčín and Liptovská Mara.
Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
The main business activity of Slovenske elektrárne is the production and sale of electricity. In terms of available installed capacity, they are the largest electricity producer in Slovakia and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. Slovenské elektrárne operates 31 hydroelectric, 2 nuclear, 2 thermal and 2 photovoltaic power plants. Cooperation with Slovak Power Plants
ENGIE Services has cooperated with Slovak Power Plants in the past. In 2013, it prepared an energy audit for the company, assessing the energy intensity of selected facilities in Trnava, Trenčín and Vojany. The result of the audit was a proposal of two variants of reconstruction solutions leading to increased economy and energy efficiency. Two years later, under a 3-year contract, ENGIE provided continuous servicing of the heat transfer stations (OST) and the centralised heat supply system (CHS) in Leopoldov. Comprehensive technical property management
Since July this year ENGIE Services has been providing comprehensive technical property management services for the facilities of the SE Headquarters in Bratislava, the Atomic Power Plants in Mochovce, the Atomic Power Plants in Bohunice and the administrative buildings at the Hydro Power Plants in Trenčín and Liptovská Mara. The company employed 17 employees to provide quality services for the management of the facilities and equipment of the power plants. Before joining the project, some of these employees underwent special training and tests to enable them to work in the controlled zone of the power plants.
The scope of activities of the complex technical administration includes operation of facilities, management activities, inspections, servicing, professional inspections and tests of technical equipment, preventive and corrective maintenance and minor repairs, construction and professional works, 24-hour dispatching and pest control (extermination, disinfection, disinsection).
“We are pleased to renew our cooperation with Slovak Power Plants. We believe that thanks to our expertise, professionalism of our employees and experience from a number of similar reference projects, we will provide Slovak Power Plants with high quality and stable services and will not disappoint the trust they have placed in us,” concludes Tomáš Korpáš, Director of the Property Management Division of ENGIE Services.