Bratislava, 17 January 2018
At the end of 2017, ENGIE Services implemented a project for the replacement of luminaires in two maintenance centres of the National Motorway Company in Košice and Beharovce in the amount of approximately EUR 65 thousand. A total of 149 luminaires were replaced with an expected energy saving of 50% compared to the original condition.
“The main reason for replacing the luminaires was the renovation of the client’s premises, modernisation of the technology, as well as better lighting of specific locations and, of course, energy savings,” says Martin Rusiňko, ENGIE Services Project Manager. Both projects, which involved replacing luminaires in the exterior and interior, started and finished in December 2017. In Beharovce, where upgrades were also carried out in other occupations, 87 luminaires were replaced on lighting poles in one week. In Košice, 62 luminaires were replaced, not only in public lighting, but also in car shelters, on the roofs of buildings, etc. The actual implementation was preceded by a survey of the premises, the design of suitable lighting, the selection of the supplier of the luminaires and the selection of the installation company. The preparatory phase was more time-consuming in Košice, where ENGIE and the supplier designed suitable luminaires for different conditions in terms of design, power or optic angles. However, it evaluated its extensive experience in the field of technology installation not only in the technical assessment of the project, but also in the selection of installation service providers, where, thanks to its long-term cooperation, it was able to rely on its partners even in the adverse conditions of the December weather. By completing the project, the customer received new LED luminaires with 50% energy savings, fast lighting start-up, long service life and a 5-year warranty.
“The lighting replacement contract was the beginning of our cooperation with this client, which is always a kind of test for both parties in terms of mutual synergy. However, based on the client’s satisfaction with our implementation, which we carried out professionally, on time and without any problems, we firmly believe that our cooperation on similar projects will continue this year,” concludes Martin Rusinko.