More than 6.5 million investment in the renewal of thermal farms

As is the case every year, the ENGIE Group companies have carefully prepared a substantial package of resources for 2018. investing in the modernisation of their thermal management systems. In the whole of Slovakia, this amount will reach more than EUR 6.5 million. Most of the investments are intended for the continuation of the implementation of projects already started, for example, the reconstruction of distribution systems or the replacement of technologies and equipment.

Liptovský Mikuláš

LMT, a member of the ENGIE Group, has been producing and supplying heat and hot water to more than 7,000 apartments and amenity buildings for almost 10 years. Since 2010, a significant part of the city’s heat has been produced from renewable sources by burning wood chips in the Podbreziny biomass boiler house, which underwent a major renovation in the same year.

This year LMT plans to build a boiler house in the multifunctional LIVE Center building in the centre of Liptovský Mikuláš, which it will subsequently operate and supply heat and hot water to residential residents. Together with the cancellation of the gas boiler house on J. Jánoška Street and connection to the second one, by a distribution system on T. Vansova, it will be a total investment of more than 500 thousand euros.


Termming, a member of the ENGIE Group, has been operating the thermal power plant in Kanyanka since 1 September 2016. Already at the beginning of the cooperation with the municipality, it committed to invest almost 400 thousand euros in the modernization of technology and operation.

The aim of the modernisation is to expand the production of heat from biomass by reconstructing the boiler house and connecting the two circuits of the heat distribution systems of the existing boiler houses. The modernisation will contribute to increasing the share of heat production from renewable sources by making greater use of the capacity of the current woodchip boiler, which is able to fully cover the heat and hot water supply in less demanding months. The refurbishment also concerns the gas technology plant room, where the original boiler will be replaced by a condensing boiler with higher energy efficiency.


Službyt in Senica, as a member of the ENGIE Group, has been providing its clients with the production and supply of heat and hot water or comprehensive management and service for multifunctional, operational and residential buildings since 1994. In 2010, Službyt renovated the municipal biomass-fired heating plant. Two biomass boilers with a total capacity of 8 MW and natural gas boilers with a total capacity of 12.2 MW were installed in the boiler room.

As part of the planned investments, Službyt will follow up on the work from previous years with the third stage of replacement of hot water and central heating pipes in the Robotnícká Street locality. The estimated amount of the investment is EUR 160 thousand. In addition, the boiler room of the Primary Art School in Senica will also be reconstructed, where outdated technology will be replaced with new technology. Together with other smaller planned projects, Službyt will invest a total of approximately EUR 240 thousand in the modernisation of the heat management this year.


SKAL&CO, which has been operating in the field of thermal energy in Skalica since 1994, is planning to replace the gas boiler in the central boiler house and a comprehensive reconstruction of the pipeline connecting the heat transfer stations (OST) on Klementisa Street in the length of 500 m due to the change of the distribution medium from steam to hot water. Skalica, as the only heat utility operated by the ENGIE Group in Slovakia, had steam heat distribution systems for historical reasons. As their maintenance is technically more demanding, their operation less safe and their efficiency lower, it was only a matter of time before they were replaced. The total investment costs are set at more than 450 thousand euros.


In Malacky, the first stage of heat distribution system replacement in the locality of Sídliska Juh should have started this year. Together with metering and regulation, installation of new meters and reconstruction of the building and technology in the central chipped boiler room in Brnianska Street, the investment will total 295 thousand euros.

Brezová pod Bradlom

ENGIE in Brezová pod Bradlom has been producing and supplying heat and domestic hot water since 2009. This year, as part of the fourth and final stage of the replacement of distribution pipes in the locality of Nám. 7. april to invest approximately 180 thousand euros. The pipeline replacement project is a continuation of the modernisation of the first branch in previous years. The completion of the investment will reconstruct both branches of the pipeline leading from the heat transfer station on 7 April Square to the residential houses on the same square and Dr. Štefan Osuský Street. The aim of the modernisation is mainly to increase the efficiency of hot water preparation.

Moldava nad Bodvou

The Moldava heating company, a member of the ENGIE Group, has been producing and supplying heat and domestic hot water to more than 2,000 apartments and several civic amenity buildings for more than 20 years. As part of the modernisation of the heat management, this year it plans to replace 3 outdated gas boilers with new ones with higher efficiency in the boiler house on Bartalošova Street. Another investment is the connection of two new consumption points (the Polyclinic and the Labour Office) to the efficient centralised heat supply and the installation of two domestic heat transfer stations in the existing consumption points on Školská and Bartalošova streets. The total investment in the modernisation of the heat management, which will ensure higher efficiency of heat production and increase the share of heat produced from renewable energy sources, will amount to EUR 600 thousand this year.

“At ENGIE, we support investments in the regions and have therefore been able to continuously improve efficiency on thermal circuits and plants over the years. Together with the regular tendering of natural gas prices, these are the most effective ways to keep energy prices favourable for our customers in the long term. In the case of thermal farms where we supply heat from a woodchip-fired boiler plant, the nature of woodchip as a fuel also contributes to price stability. Its price on the markets is lower and more stable in the long term than that of natural gas, the price of which fluctuates more over time. In addition, ENGIE supports this general trend by diversifying local suppliers of renewable fuels,” explains Miroslav Pajchl, Director of Energy, ENGIE Services.

Proof that investments in the development of heat management are paying off is the fact that this year ENGIE Group companies will return a total of almost EUR 3.5 million in overpayments for heat to residents in the localities where they operate.

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