Category Archives: Technology installations

Reconstruction of technological equipment in Košice

In the metropolis of eastern Slovakia, AZOR, as the new owner of the building, has been reconstructing the multifunctional centre on Hlavná Street since June this year. ENGIE Services succeeded in the tender procedure and plans to start the reconstruction of the technological equipment for the production and distribution of heat, cold and electricity supply in the near future.

Completion of the installation of technologies at Klimkovičova in Košice

In August 2017, ENGIE Services successfully built and commissioned a new boiler house and delivered and installed the technology within the Klimkovičova II, Block B project. It is currently providing the same services for Block C, which is under construction. Thanks to the successful cooperation with the Titus development company, ENGIE has started work on the preparatory phase of the boiler room modernization in their next project, Borovicový háj in Košice.
