In the metropolis of eastern Slovakia, AZOR, as the new owner of the building, has been reconstructing the multifunctional centre on Hlavná Street since June this year. ENGIE Services succeeded in the tender procedure and plans to start the reconstruction of the technological equipment for the production and distribution of heat, cold and electricity supply in the near future.
The reconstruction concerns a multifunctional centre that has been used for commercial purposes for more than 50 years. Until 1994 the centre was occupied by Prior Department Store, later by K-Mart and until this year Tesco operated its stores in the building. The new investor plans to modernize the building and turn it into a multifunctional building, increase the comfort of services with the intention to rejuvenate and beautify Košice. Currently, the building is being dismantled. The reconstruction of both the construction and technical parts should be completed in autumn 2019. Under the contract, ENGIE will renovate and add new technologies for the production and distribution of heat, cold and electricity in the building and will subsequently use these technologies to produce and supply energy to the end tenants. ENGIE will completely renovate the existing heating and cooling technology at its own expense and at the same time add a highly efficient heat pump technology with a capacity of 297 kW to the building, which will achieve savings in primary energy consumption as well as CO₂ emissions. During the operation of the building, the new technologies will ensure the supply of heat and cooling to the end users in the required quantity and quality. At the same time, ENGIE, through its own investment, will completely renovate the outdated high and low voltage infrastructure, including the substation, thus ensuring a stable supply of electricity for the entire multifunctional building.
“For customers, in this case the investors of the multifunctional centre, it is advantageous to cooperate with one supplier in the supply and distribution of energy. For them, this means less administration, fewer worries with the operation of technical equipment and technological systems and easier communication, which ultimately translates into savings in time and money. In addition, our aim is to provide the customer with a comprehensive service for the operation of the building, namely technical management of the property or energy management with an evaluation of consumption and a proposal for energy-saving measures, in addition to the energy supply.” Miloš Ščurka, Project Manager, Region East, ENGIE Services, explains the benefits of the services offered.