ENGIE Eco Schools helped to beautify Vrakuňa Forest Park

The ENGIE Eco Schools project came to life again this year thanks to the cooperation with the Bratislava district of Vrakuňa and the Železničná Primary School. For a selected class of fifth-graders we prepared an interactive lecture on renewable energy sources, an excursion to a biomass boiler house and in the Vrakun forest park we planted linden trees and wooden gazebos together.

The long-term ENGIE Eco Schools project, which we first organised in 2015, aims to support children’s environmental education. In addition, we aim to contribute to improving the environment in the locations where we operate thermal power plants through concrete green activities.


And so it was also in Vrakuni. In November, we prepared a playful, interactive lecture for pupils from Železničná Primary School. The children learned how heat is produced, why it is important to save energy and what impact the use of renewable energy sources has on the environment. “We were pleasantly surprised by the children’s interest in these topics, their knowledge in this area and the number of questions they asked us. The children enjoyed the fact that the lecture also included games, which not only entertained them but also tested their newly acquired knowledge.” says Katarína Frčová, Communications Manager at ENGIE Services.


After the lecture, the pupils visited a nearby biomass boiler plant operated by the ENGIE Group, which also supplies heat to their school. They saw the outdoor area with the stored wood chips, and also the inside of the boiler house with the equipment for heat and hot water production.


The project also included a volunteer activity, which involved ENGIE colleagues as well as pupils. During November, we planted lime trees together in the forest park in Vrakun. In addition to the planting, we also planted wooden gazebos in the park, which will serve not only the children, but also other residents of the district.

“We are pleased that this year we have successfully managed to implement our ENGIE Eco School project in Vrakuni, where we have been operating a heat management system for a long time. We are glad that, in addition to the children, the city district and our colleagues, who helped with planting and organizing the excursion, were actively involved in the project. We believe that the project was beneficial for the pupils from the selected class and that we managed to open the door to the world of energy and current challenges in the field of energy at least a little bit. We think it is important to educate children about environmental protection, to encourage their willingness to help others and to beautify their environment through their own work,” concludes Miroslav Pajchl, Director of Heat Production and Distribution at ENGIE Group.

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