COFELY will change its name to ENGIE Services on 1 May 2016

Bratislava, 30 March 2016

Cofely in Slovakia will change its business name and will be known as ENGIE Services a.s. with effect from 1 May 2016. Along with the business name, the company’s brand and logo will also change.

Company identification and billing data
All other company identification and billing data (address, registration number, VAT number, VAT number, bank connection, telephone numbers) remain unchanged. Business names of COFELY Group companies in Slovakia
The business names of COFELY Group companies in Slovakia – TERMMING, a.s., LMT, a.s., Prvá ružinovská spoločnosť, a.s., Račianska teplárenská, a.s., SKAL&CO, spol. s r.o., Službyt, spol. s r.o., Tepelné hospodárstvo Moldava, a.s. and KPT a.s., remain unchanged. From 1 May 2016 they will belong to the ENGIE Group. Global rebranding
In April 2015, the GDF SUEZ Group changed its name, brand and logo to ENGIE. The name change is linked to a global initiative – ENERGY TRANSITION – to increase the use of renewable energy, to focus on decarbonisation, reducing consumption, energy efficiency and, last but not least, to restructure and decentralise the company in order to get even closer to customers within each country.

ENGIE is a simple and powerful name whose meaning represents energy for everyone and works the same in all countries and cultures. The ENGIE logo depicts the rising sun, which symbolises a new day, a fresh start and new challenges in the world of energy. With a presence in 70 countries around the world, using a variety of energy sources, ENGIE wants to be a benchmark for other energy players in emerging markets and a European leader in the use of alternative energy sources. Rebranding in Slovakia
Cofely in Slovakia has long been one of the leaders in energy, property management and the implementation of technological and energy efficient solutions. Thanks to its broad portfolio, it exploits synergies between its activities and offers its customers integrated services with an emphasis on optimising operating costs. Through decentralisation and a nationwide presence, Cofely, like the ENGIE Group globally, strives to get closer to its customers, understand their needs and offer them quality and efficient solutions. In Slovakia, the production and supply of energy from renewable sources accounts for 15% of the total volume of energy produced. Cofely aims to increase this figure even further. This year, for example, it plans to build and put into operation a new biomass boiler house in the Sever housing estate in Pezinok. Cofely in Slovakia, like the international ENGIE Group, is successfully participating in the global ENERGY TRANSITION initiative with its activities aimed at increasing the use of renewable energy sources, decentralisation and improving the quality of its comprehensive service offer, and is taking steps to bring itself even closer to its customers. Since 1 May 2016 also through a new brand name and a strong international brand and logo.

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