Information on the sale of part of the business with the designation ‘management of housing and non-housing assets’, the transfer of receivables and the assumption of liabilities in companies:
- SKAL&CO, spol. s r.o. in Skalica
- TERMMING, a. s. in Malacky
- Službyt, spol. s r. o. in Senica
With effect from 01.01.2023 the conclusion of the Contract for the sale of the part of the enterprise with the designation “administration of the housing and non-housing fund” between the companies SKAL&CO, spol. s r.o. in Skalice, TERMMING, a. s. in Malacky and Službyt, spol. s r.o. in Senica, as sellers and Services and Administration s.r.o. in Malacky, as buyers.
On 01.01.2023, all receivables of the above-mentioned companies of the ENGIE Group related to the part of the enterprise – with the designation “administration of the housing and non-housing fund” were transferred to the company Services and Administration s.r.o. and all liabilities related to the part of the enterprise – with the designation “administration of the housing and non-housing fund” were assumed by the company Services and Administration s.r.o..
The existing contracts related to the above-mentioned part of the enterprise, originally concluded with SKAL&CO, spol. s r.o. in Skalica, TERMMING, a. s. in Malacky and Službyt, spol. s r.o. in Senica, valid as of 01.01.2023, remain valid and effective even after the transfer of receivables and liabilities therefrom to the company Služby a správa s.r.o. and it is not necessary to conclude new contracts.
The original telephone contacts remain valid.
Services and Administration, s. r. o.
Duklianskych hrdinov 380/1
901 01 Malacky
Tel: 0905 470 006, 0905 236 986