We operate a thermal power plant in Bratislava New Town

TERMMING, a member of the ENGIE Group, was awarded the project for the operation of the heat management system in the Bratislava – Nové Mesto district in June this year. Since 1 July, it has taken over the operation of all technological equipment. The ENGIE Group has committed to invest over EUR 4.5 million in the first five years of operation as part of the modernisation of the heat management system.

ENGIE Group provides a broad portfolio of comprehensive services in the areas of energy, property management and technology installation. It operates 17 thermal farms in Slovakia and is one of the largest private heat producers. On 14 June 2019, TERMMING signed a concession agreement with the representatives of the Nové Mesto district to ensure the operation of the heat management system. ”

We are pleased that after several months of work by our energy experts, we were able to prepare a bid that won us the project for the operation and modernisation of the thermal management. We appreciate the trust placed in us by the members of the municipal and local councils and we will do our utmost to ensure a safe and stable energy supply for the residents of Nové Město,” says Róbert Ruňanin, director of the ENGIE Services business division.The concession contract, which was concluded for 20 years, also includes the modernisation of the heating system with a total value of EUR 4.5 million. ”

Based on the results of our audit, we have prepared an investment plan within which we will reconstruct not only the heat distribution systems, but also the heat sources themselves, technical and technological equipment. Considering the overall technical condition of the heating system, most of the investment funds will be used mainly for the modernisation of the distribution systems. Our proposal takes into account the requirements of customers and aims to make energy production and distribution more efficient,” explains Miroslav Pajchl, Director of the ENGIE Services Energy Department.In July, TERMMING took over all the buildings and technological equipment and started their operation. According to the contract, it will provide maintenance, servicing and inspections in accordance with the legislation in force.

“In the summer period, our main goal was to prepare the entire heat management system for the upcoming heating season. The next step will be to connect the heat sources to the ENGIE Central Dispatching Centre (24/7), which will enable us to react promptly and operatively to any problem in the system,” says Miroslav Pajchl. The ENGIE Group in Bratislava also operates heat farms in other city districts – Ružinov, Rača, Vrakuňa and Staré Mesto. Thanks to this, it will be able to take advantage of the synergistic interconnection of the operation of the heat management in Nové Mesto with other central heating systems in neighbouring districts.
We are convinced that thanks to our many years of experience in providing services in the field of energy, the high expertise of our employees, many similar, successfully completed projects, as well as the use of state-of-the-art technologies, we are more than ready to meet our primary goal, which is a safe, stable and efficient supply of energy to the residents of Nové Město,” concludes Roman Doupovec, CEO of ENGIE Services.

Additional information

ENGIE Group in Slovakia (production, distribution and sale of heat):

  • 17 thermal farms
  • 459 heat sources
  • 175 km of pipelines
  • Total installed capacity: 410 MW
  • Heat sold: 629 000 MWh