We have received the SAFM Personality and Project of the Year 2023 awards

On the eve of the 13th annual conference Facility Management Days 2024, which took place on 1-2 October 2024 in Bratislava, the organiser Slovak Association of Facility Management awarded prizes in three categories:


The 2nd year of the competition was announced and organized by SAFM and its aim is to support the development of Facility Management in Slovakia and, in its own words, to reward the best of the best. We are delighted and proud to have won 2 of the 3 awards. Namely the Project of the Year Award and the Personality of the Year Award 2023.


SAFM PROJECT OF THE YEAR 2023: Squarebizz Business Center Nitra and Squarebizz Bory Bratislava

Together with Karimpol International Slovakia we won the main prize for project management – Squarebizz Business Center Nitra and Squarebizz Bory Bratislava. The award was received during the gala evening by the representative of Karimpol – Mário Klas and Tomáš Korpáš, Director of Facility Management Division at ENGIE Services.

Mario Klasa’s statement when receiving the award:

“I am very pleased to receive the SAFM PROJECT OF THE YEAR 2023 award. I would like to thank ENGIE Services for the nomination and successful cooperation.

We are proud of our projects and it’s not just an empty phrase. We know what we are building, we know who we are building for, we know how and we know why. Being different, being innovative and being green makes sense not just because there is a lot of talk about it now, or because legislation is slowly starting to require it, but especially for the future. It’s not easy or cheap, but at the end of the day it’s something that not only you, but your tenants will appreciate.

I have to say that ENGIE was the first choice for us right from the start, after opening and studying the bids within the tender for the provider of Facility Management services for the Squarebizz Nitra project. We chose ENGIE from almost 10 bids received. It was already clear from the tender itself that the people who prepared the tender had thought about it. I liked the fact that it was technically sophisticated, economically advantageous and, most importantly, tailored exactly for us. Based on this, we decided to go with ENGIE and we are still very happy with the service they delivered.

In addition, after less than a year of cooperation, we changed the original operator of facility services on our pilot project Squarebizz Bory Bratislava and we entrusted the technical management of this area to ENGIE. Today it has been one month since they took over the operation at Bory and I express great satisfaction on our behalf. I believe that our good cooperation will continue.”

More info about the projects:

Squarebizz Business Center Nitra
– Sales and warehouse and commercial premises (9 700 m2)
– Modern building materials
– LED lighting
– Green roofs
– Water-retaining measures
– Mobile application for monitoring and setting irrigation, EPS and CCTV

Squarebizz Bory Bratislava
– Sales, storage and exhibition space (27 000 m2)
– Energy efficient buildings
– Modern building materials
– Efficient thermal insulation
– LED lighting
– Rainwater harvesting
– Recuperation
– Modern technologies
– High-speed fibre optic internet
– E-charging stations for cars

Facility management services from ENGIE for Squarebizz green buildings that combine retail, manufacturing and logistics:
– technical facilities management,
– green and green roof maintenance,
– waste management,
– environmental management,
– 24/7 online dispatching for fault reporting,
– shared maintenance.

Start of Facility Management services:
Squarebizz Business Center Nitra – from 1.1.2024
Squarebizz Bory Bratislava – from 1.9.2024

We congratulate Karimpol and look forward to our joint success.


SAFM PERSON OF THE YEAR 2023: Július Jégh, ENGIE Services Network Projects Manager

Another of the SAFM awards – Personality of the Year 2023 was awarded to our long-time colleague Július Jégh.

Why did we nominate him?

  • Because he is a loyal employee. He has worked in property management at ENGIE Services for 14 years.
  • During his tenure, he has launched and managed the largest and most extensive network projects.
  • He has always supported digitalisation and tried to bring it into our systems and processes.
  • In our teams, he has helped colleagues grow professionally, career-wise and humanly.
  • He supported the younger generation by educating and imparting experience, through various lectures and presentations on campus.
  • Personal approach to clients, colleagues and suppliers was and still is important for Julius Jégh. As he himself says – only thanks to the synergy of these three parties is it possible to ensure the provision of quality services and the successful operation of property management.
  • At ENGIE, we respect him for his humanity, kindness and collegiality. We appreciate his always positive attitude and outlook on life and functioning. Even problematic things he always looks at with a detached attitude and for him everything is solvable.

We also attach his immediate comments on the award:

“Winning the award was a huge surprise to me. While accepting it, my whole career at ENGIE flashed through my mind and I saw all my colleagues who have accompanied me professionally. I very much appreciate my nomination and see it as an appreciation of my work over the years. I realise that everything I have done has not been in vain. Thanks also to all the great people at ENGIE. Thank you.”

We warmly congratulate him and together we rejoice in his award.

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