The reduction of heat prices in Old Town and Ružinov, in case of concluding a contract with the state company MH Teplárenský holding (MH TH), will ultimately be paid by the residents of other districts of Bratislava. In the event of taking over the operation of the secondary heat infrastructure of MH TH, the costs of its operation will not be lost, but will be passed on to the existing customers of MH TH in other districts of Bratislava.
Today, MH TH supplies heat in various Bratislava districts, for example also in Karlova Ves or Dúbravka, for one common price. The current legislation allows to set heat prices in Bratislava according to the city districts. This is the case for Termming, a.s. from the ENGIE Group, or Veolia.
MH TH uses a single price for the whole of Bratislava, with delivery from two separate circuits, East and West. The single price means that the costs incurred in one urban district (urban district) are also borne by residents in other urban districts. If the deputies of the Ružinov and Staré Mesto municipalities vote by special resolution (direct award) to enter into a 20-year contract with MH TH, this will increase the cost of heat for citizens in other municipalities.
According to the calculations of the ENGIE Group, which currently supplies heat in Ružinov and Old Town, the costs of MH TH would increase by EUR 1.8 million by renting equipment in these municipalities. This means that this amount would be paid by customers in other Bratislava municipalities. The operation of the boiler houses and secondary distribution systems entails costs that will be borne by each operator.
At the same time, MH TH guarantees basically only one thing in its offer. Namely, that the price for customers in Ružinov or Old Town will be the same as elsewhere in Bratislava. However, what it will be and how it will develop is not defined. And since the criteria are not clear, the districts will not be able to check whether the increase in prices in the future will be due only to the increase in fuel prices, or whether there will be other factors involved.
This is why we stress that the only correct and transparent solution at the moment is a multi-bidder tender, which can generate the most favourable conditions for customers.