Merger of ENGIE Group companies: the KPT with ENERGY DISTRIBUTION

With effect from from 1.1.2024 KPT, a.s. will merge with ENERGY DISTRIBUIOTN a.s., which at the same time assumes all rights and obligations for KPT, a.s. as of the effective date.

The company KPT, a.s. with its registered office at Jarošova 2961/1, 831 03 Bratislava, ID No.: 35 828 218 will cease to exist without liquidation and will be deleted from the Commercial Register.

Data valid from 1.1.2024


Jarošova 2961/1

831 03 Bratislava

  • ID: 47 608 919
  • VAT NUMBER: SK2023965944

Bank account
IBAN SK46 1100 0000 0029 4823 6009
