Merger of ENGIE Group companies SKAL & CO and Službyt with TERMMING

With effect from from 1.1.2024 the company SKAL & CO, spol. s r.o and Službyt, spol. s r.o merge with the company TERMMING, Inc., which at the same time assumes all rights and obligations for the companies SKAL & CO, spol. s r.o. and Službyt, spol. s r.o. from the effective date.

SKAL & CO, spol. s r.o with registered office at Mallého 977/58, 909 01 Skalica, ID No.: 31 447 511 and Službyt, spol. s r.o with registered office at Hviezdoslavova 473, 905 01 Senica, ID No.: 34 101 772 will cease to exist without liquidation and will be deleted from the Commercial Register.

TERMMING, a.s. will continue and develop the existing activities of the defunct companies in the field of heat and hot water supply.

Data valid from 1.1.2024:


Jarošova 2961/1

831 03 Bratislava

  • ICKO: 35 972 254
  • VAT NUMBER: SK2022102126
  • registered in the Municipal Court of Bratislava III, section Sa, insert No. 3779/B

Correspondence addresses for sending invoices:

Skalica: Mallého 977/58, 909 01 Skalica

Senica: Hviezdoslavova 473, 905 01 Senica

Mail address for sending invoices:

The bank details of the companies concerned remain unchanged.
