On 11 June 2019, one year after its launch, the maximum target of the GRHYD* project has been reached. This is ENGIE’s first Power-to-Gas technology demonstration project, which has succeeded in increasing the amount of hydrogen injected into the natural gas network in the new Cappelle-la-Grande neighbourhood, near Dunkirk, to 20%. In June 2018, the initial level of hydrogen injection was 6% and intermediate levels of 10% and 15% were achieved before the 20% threshold was crossed.
The pioneering project was launched in 2014
On 11 June 2018, the GRHYD project was inaugurated by Patrice Vergriete, Mayor of the City of Dunkirk and President of the Municipality of Dunkirk, Leon Devloies, Mayor of the Municipality of Cappelle-la-Grande and Vice-President of the Municipality of Dunkirk, Isabelle Kocher, Executive Director of the international ENGIE Group, and Fabrice Boissier, CEO of ADEME.
The GRHYD project, launched in 2014, is testing the injection of hydrogen into the natural gas distribution network of the municipality of Cappelle-la-Grande. The aim is to meet the heating, hot water and cooking needs of residents by using greener energy. This pioneering initiative is in line with efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the ambitious target of including 32% renewable energy in final energy consumption by 2030. The GRHYD project is also a concrete example of the hydrogen deployment plan launched by the French government on 1 June 2018, by helping to “identify the technical and economic conditions for hydrogen injection acceptable to the grids”, thanks to the real data made available by the project.
GRHYD: The first Power-to-Gas demonstration project in France
The GRHYD project, which is part of the Hauts-de-France region’s 3rd Industrial Revolution strategy, is coordinated by ENGIE, represented by its own research centre and in collaboration with ten other partners: AREVA H2Gen, CEA, CETIAT, Dunkirk Municipality, ENGIE Ineo, GNVERT, GRDF, INERIS, McPhy and STDE. The demonstration project has been supported by France under the Investments for the Future programme, managed by ADEME (French Agency for Environment and Energy Management) and is accredited by the Tenerrdis Competitive Cluster. Its launch on 11 June 2018 marked the start of the injection of the first hydrogen molecules into the local natural gas distribution network, initially at a level of 6%. After a second 10% level, it has now reached a maximum level of 20%, supplying not only 100 households but also the heating system of the health centre in the “Petit Village” section of Cappelle-la-Grande. The initial phase will last for another year and aims to confirm all the technical and economic advantages of this new source of greener energy.
Power-to-Gas technology is a future-proof solution that transforms electricity generated by renewable energy into hydrogen gas. Once transformed, this energy can be stored, transported on the grid and used in areas where natural gas is used. The technology has enormous potential: ADEME estimates the potential of hydrogen produced from electricity by power-to-gas technology in France at around 30 TWh per year by 2035.
*GRHYD: grid management using hydrogen injection technology to support energy decarbonisation (Gestion des Réseaux par l’injection d’Hydrug pour Décarboner les énergies)
Basic information about the GRHYD project
1. Power-to-Gas technology demonstration project in France / 11 partners / budget 15 million / 6,5-annual approval and demonstration study / installed 3 containers containing cutting-edge technologies: one for electrolysis, one for storage and one for injection into the gas grid / new gas consisting of green hydrogen and natural gas supplied to 100 households and the boiler room of the health centre.
Related articles:
– Powering to gas
– The GRHYD demostration project
– Partners in the GRHYD project inaugurate France’s first Power-to-Gas demonstrator