ENGIE Services has been providing technical and environmental management services for ČSOB in the new Zuckermandel multifunctional building in Bratislava since April 2017. This follows on from the mobilisation phase of the cooperation, which included engineering activities carried out prior to the commissioning of the building and started in June 2016.
Zuckermandel is located in the lucrative part of the Old Town, where it is adjacent to the Bratislava Castle on one side and the Danube on the other. The modern multifunctional building with a historical accent consists of 7 buildings, in which there are apartments, administrative premises and shops. ENGIE Services started cooperation with the headquarters of ČSOB, located in the Zuckermandel building, in June 2016 as part of the so-called mobilization phase, which included assessment and approval of the implementation project, reporting during construction, participation in the acceptance of the building and in operational tests. In addition, the company provided assessment, certification and review of the developer’s documentation for the acceptance of the facility and participation in the training for the operation of the facility’s equipment and technology. As part of a 4-year Facility and Environmental Technical Management Services Contract, ENGIE Services commenced providing services to the CSOB Head Office in April 2017, which include preventive maintenance including the supply of minor consumables, corrective (operational) maintenance, minor repairs, professional inspections and professional tests on all facilities.
“Winning a new client from the banking sector is always a significant step for us as a leading provider of facility management services in the industry and we don’t take it for granted. We are glad that we can use our experience from similar projects for clients such as VUB or Slovenská sporiteľňa to provide our services. However, each client is specific and therefore we approach them individually, responsibly and with respect. In this case, our participation in the mobilization phase of the project, where we had the opportunity to get to know the condition of the property in detail even before the technical management of the building began, helped us significantly. Our task will be to meet the client’s expectations and ensure the smooth operation of the ČSOB headquarters in this modern multifunctional building,” says Róbert Ruňanin, Director of the Business Activities Division.