Facility management for KraussMaffei Technologies in Sučany

In July 2016, ENGIE Services defended its position as a provider of technical property management services for KraussMaffei Technologies, with which it has been working since 2010. Through a new contract for an indefinite period of time, it will continue to provide comprehensive property management services for its manufacturing plant in Sučany.

The KraussMaffei Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of machinery and equipment for the production and processing of plastics and rubber. The global network includes 30 subsidiaries and 10 production sites. One of them is KraussMaffei Technologies in Sučany, which was opened in 2010. Just two years later, its production capacity was doubled with the opening of a new 13,000 m² hall.

ENGIE Services has been providing its services to KraussMaffei Technologies since the beginning of its operations in Slovakia. In addition to providing supply and installation of power distribution, substation and evacuation radio, ENGIE Services has also provided property management services.

In 2016, a Chinese investor entered KraussMaffei Technologies with the intention of gradually buying the company. In the next period, a new hall extension is planned and the production plant in Sučany has a great predisposition to become the Slovak market leader in its segment.

“At the beginning of 2016, personal negotiations began with representatives of the company on new terms and conditions for the provision of property management services. By mutual agreement, ENGIE Services will continue to provide its comprehensive services to KraussMaffei. The new contract is concluded for an indefinite period, which of course makes us happy, but at the same time it is a big commitment for us – to maintain the quality of the services provided, to meet and exceed the customer’s expectations, ,” says Jozef Galdun, director of the Central Region.

The range of services provided is really wide and includes: complex management and coordination of operational and technical processes and support activities, maintenance, servicing and professional inspections of technical equipment, operation of dispatching and helpdesk, maintenance of the premises and greenery (winter/summer), security service, cleaning services, fire protection, OSH services and energy management.

“Especially energy management services are key from our point of view for the customer in this segment. In production plants with high energy consumption, optimising operations and efficient use of energy is of great importance. Based on the results of an energy audit carried out at the end of 2015, we prepared a comprehensive output for the customer, including a proposal for strategies and solutions leading to energy savings.” concludes Jozef Galdun.

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