This year, the ENGIE Group will invest EUR 6 million in the modernisation of its thermal power plants. The largest part of the funds will be used for the reconstruction of heat distribution systems and technological equipment of boiler plants.
“Thanks to modernisation, ENGIE Group companies have been increasing the efficiency of energy production and distribution for a long time, which has a positive impact on the final price of heat. Our customers have seen that this model really works, as we have recovered more than EUR 3.6 million in heat and hot water bills this year.” says Miroslav Pajchl, director of the energy department.
The ENGIE Group invests thousands of euros each year in the modernisation of technologies and equipment as part of the renewal and development plan for the thermal power industry. This year, one of the largest investment projects is the reconstruction of the distribution systems in the Bratislava district of Nové Mesto and in Veľké Kapušany.
Modernization of heat management in the Bratislava district of Nové Mesto
Termming, a member of the ENGIE Group, has been producing and distributing heat since 1996 and operates heat farms in several Slovak towns and villages – Bratislava, Trnava, Báhoň, Malacky, Pezinok, Stupava, Kanianka, Lehota pod Vtáčnikom and Veľké Kapušany.
In July 2019, the company also took over the operation of the heat management in the Nové Mesto district of Bratislava. In the concession contract, concluded for 20 years, the company undertook to modernise the heating system. Termming had already started the modernisation during the previous year, but due to obstacles resulting from the state of emergency during the coronacrisis, it was forced to postpone part of the investment plans to this year.
The heat management in Nové Město consists of 2 gas boiler houses with a total capacity of 22 MW, 2 heat transfer stations and 15.5 km of heat distribution pipelines. The modernisation, which costs a total of 4.5 million euros, is divided into two parts:
- Reconstruction of 4.6 km of secondary distribution pipes of central heating and hot water connected to the Bratislava district heating company.
- Reconstruction of 2 boiler rooms and secondary distribution of central heating and TV in Kramáre.
Work on both parts of the modernisation started in May this year. The first part should be completed in October 2021 and the second one a year later, in October 2022. Most of the investment funds will be used to replace the secondary heat distribution systems. The outdated pipes will be gradually replaced with new plastic ones, using a pre-insulated system. The new piping will have better thermal insulation properties, less risk of failures and a longer service life.
Reconstruction of distribution lines in Veľké Kapušany
In January 2016, Termming took over the operation of the thermal power plant in Veľké Kapušany. Through 3 heat sources with a total capacity of 25 MW, it supplies heat to the inhabitants of the town in the volume of almost 55 thousand GJ annually.
In May this year, Termming started a comprehensive modernisation of the heat management system, which includes the reconstruction of 2.5 km of pipelines, the supply and installation of 25 domestic heat transfer stations, the installation of metering and control and the modification of the technology in one of the gas boiler rooms. The largest part of the more than 2 million investment will be used for the modernisation of the distribution network, which will change the heat supply system in the city from 4-pipe to 2-pipe distribution, which will significantly increase its efficiency. Technically obsolete distribution pipes will be gradually replaced with new steel and plastic pre-insulated pipes with better insulation properties, which will reduce heat losses. The entire reconstruction will be completed in October 2021.
The reconstruction of a part of the pipelines is not the end of the modernisation of the heat management in Veľké Kapušany. In the future, Termming plans to continue replacing other sections of the heat distribution system in the town.
Benefits of modernisation
“The modernisation of thermal management contributes to minimising breakdowns and subsequent shutdowns and to stabilising the overall energy supply. Thanks to the replacement of technology and technical equipment in boiler houses, their operation is optimised and the reconstruction of distribution systems makes heat distribution more efficient. Modern technical equipment will contribute to the reduction of the use of primary energy resources, which will also be reflected in the reduction of heat production costs, and at the same time will have a positive impact on the environment,” concludes Miroslav Pajchl.