Bratislava, 22 October 2020
The ENGIE Group, one of the largest private heat producers in Slovakia, will invest more than EUR 3.5 million in the renewal of heat management within its subsidiaries this year.The investments will be used mainly for the reconstruction of distribution systems, connection of new buildings or replacement of technologies and equipment.
“The ENGIE Group invests millions of euros every year in the modernisation of its thermal power plants, which is one of the reasons why it continuously manages to increase the energy efficiency of heat production and distribution. Thanks to the modernisation, we can ensure a reliable energy supply for the inhabitants of the towns where we operate heat farms, while at the same time saving primary energy resources, which will translate into a reduction in the cost of heat production, while also having a positive impact on the environment,” says Miroslav Pajchl, director of the energy department. The most important modernisation projects will be implemented this year in the Bratislava districts of Nové Mesto and Rača, in Liptovský Mikuláš, Moldava nad Bodvou, Skalica and Senica.
Heat management in Bratislava New Town
The heating company Termming, a member of the ENGIE Group, has been active on the market since 1996 and operates heating plants in 7 cities. In the Bratislava district of Nové Mesto, it plans to invest 450 thousand euros in the renewal of the district heating system (central heat supply) this year. The funds will be used for the reconstruction of heat distribution systems. Technologically outdated pipelines will be replaced with new ones – pre-insulated, whose high quality of thermal insulation properties will help to reduce heat losses and make energy use more efficient.
“Our plans this year for the modernisation of the heat management were of course more extensive. Due to the obstacles that resulted from the state of emergency during the coronacrisis, we were forced to postpone part of our investment plans until next year. Nevertheless, we are pleased to be able to reconstruct at least part of the pipelines and thus increase the efficiency of distribution on the heat circuits, ” explains Miroslav Pajchl.
Heat management in the Bratislava district of Rača
Račianska teplárenská, a member of the ENGIE Group, took over the heat management in Rača 15 years ago. During that time, it has invested more than 6.3 million euros in its modernisation. During the last two years, the company has built 6 gas boiler rooms with supplementary heating via solar panels in Mali Krasňany. New objects from the Town Hall Square were connected to the heat source in Zagumenice. Within the framework of this project Račianska teplárenská built and put into operation 2 gas boiler houses and several heat exchange stations. At the beginning of this year, a comprehensive reconstruction of the boiler house in the Východné district, which is owned by the municipal district, was completed. Currently, the heating system is being reconstructed in the building of the Voluntary Fire Brigade in Detvianská Street and in the Local Office in Kubačova Street. In total, Račianska teplárenská will invest more than EUR 100 thousand in the renovation of the heat management this year.
Heat management in Liptovský Mikuláš
LMT, a member of the ENGIE Group, has been operating on the market since 2008. In Liptovský Mikuláš, it produces and supplies heat and domestic hot water for more than 7,000 apartments, related amenities and business premises. Since 2010, a significant part of the town’s heat has been produced from renewable sources – by burning wood chips in the Podbreziny biomass boiler house, which underwent reconstruction in the same year. This year, LMT will invest EUR 800 thousand in the modernisation of the heat management. In July this year, LMT started reconstruction of pipelines in the circuit of the boiler house on Jesenského Street. The modernization will change the heat supply system from 4-pipe to 2-pipe distribution systems, which will significantly increase the efficiency of distribution and reduce heat losses. In addition, the company will build 15 transfer stations directly in residential buildings. Thanks to them, the apartment building will only pay for the heat it takes.
Thermal management in Moldava nad Bodvou
Tepelné hospodárstvo Moldava, a member of the ENGIE Group, has been operating on the market since 1997 and in Moldava nad Bodvou produces and supplies heat and domestic hot water for the residential and municipal sectors. The main source of heat in the town is a woodchip boiler house. In July this year, it started the reconstruction of the heat distribution system for a total value of EUR 500 thousand (excluding VAT). The investment is co-financed from the European funds (Operational Programme Environmental Quality). The modernisation will change the heat supply system in the town from 4-pipe to 2-pipe distribution systems. In addition, the company will simultaneously build transfer stations in 5 residential buildings.
Heat management in Skalica
SKAL&CO, a member of the ENGIE Group, has been operating in the field of thermal energy in Skalica since 1994. This year, the company invested more than 155 thousand euros in the renovation of the heat management. In March 2020, it connected a new residential building in Sídlisku SNP to the secondary distribution lines of the gas boiler house in Sídlisku SNP. Modern pre-insulated pipes were used in the connection, which will increase the efficiency of distribution and reduce heat losses. The new apartment building is currently in the final stage of construction and the heat and hot water supply should be started by the end of this year. At the Jazerné pole site, SKAL&CO completed the construction of a new primary heat distribution system between two newly constructed apartment buildings in August this year. A new gas boiler house and 2 compact heat transfer stations will be built for both houses during the autumn.
Heat management in Senica
Službyt, a member of the ENGIE Group, has been operating in the field of thermal energy in Senica since 1994. This year it has invested more than 65 thousand euros in the renovation of the heat management. Within the 2nd stage of the reconstruction of the secondary heat and hot water distribution systems from the gas boiler room on J. Mudrocha, in May this year, 121 metres of pipes were replaced. The company proceeded to the replacement due to the technical obsolescence of the distribution system. The old rusted pipes were replaced with new insulated pipes, which will contribute to increasing the efficiency of heat distribution and reducing heat losses. In July this year, at the request of the inhabitants, Službyt connected the apartment house at 958 Komenského Street to the district heating network. The apartment house was disconnected from the district heating network 18 years ago. The reason for the request for reconnection was the poor technical condition of its own gas boiler room, as its equipment is now obsolete and requires investment for renewal and further operation. Pre-insulated pipes were used in the ground as part of the connection of the dwelling house to the secondary distribution system of the heat transfer station.