Supporting professional conferences of energy and facility management

ENGIE Services was also a partner of the professional conferences Facility Management Days 2019 and EnergyCamp 2019 in May and June this year. ENGIE was actively involved in the programme of both conferences by participating in similar lectures on the topics of digitalization in the energy sector, the advantages of using energy management and optimization of heat production and distribution in the thermal management.

EnergyCamp 2019

The EnergyCamp 2019 conference, hosted by Chastia, took place on 30 and 31 May 2019 at AquaCity Poprad. Also this year, 21 lectures were presented over two days in four thematic sections (legislation, case studies, IT and IoT technologies and energy management).

Already on the first day in the “Case studies from the CZT area” he gave a lecture on the topic “Optimization of heat production and distribution in the heat management in Pezinok” František Sás, Director of Energy Controlling and Support Activities, ENGIE Services. In his presentation, he presented the NODA intelligent system with a patented solution that uses big data and automatic analytical systems to optimize the performance of the heating system.

Daniel Čurka, Director of Energy Services, ENGIE Services, in the session “IT and IoT technologies” presented “Energy manager tools in energy management”. In his lecture, he mainly talked about data processing, big data and inputs in energy management. He presented the C3ntinel analytical software, which is designed to process measured data, with the possibility of creating models with machine learning features, automatic reports and automatically generated reports. An integral part of the lecture was the presentation of communication strategy within energy management, management of customer expectations, performance monitoring and immediate feedback.

Facility Management Days 2019

The conference Facility Management Days 2019, traditionally organized by In Form Slovakia, took place on 3 and 4 June 2019 at the Hotel Tatra in Bratislava. The programme, which included topics from the field of Facility Management in practice, certification and the use of information technology, featured 23 guests and speakers.

One of them was Daniel Čurka, who in his lecture entitled “Why should energy management be part of every FM comprehensive service offering?“, he presented the benefits of using energy management in the context of FM service provision.

“Although energy management was not the main topic of this conference, I am glad that I had the opportunity to talk about this area. I think that the link between FM and energy management is a hot topic nowadays, when the focus is mainly on operational efficiency and reducing energy consumption. My task was to introduce facility managers to the possibilities offered by the use of energy management services, especially in the area of digitalization and monitoring of the facility through IoT platforms and analytics software. Today, modern tools allow us to visualize the life of a facility, read and evaluate the data obtained, think about the connections, propose measures with savings potential, and thus optimize the costs spent not only on energy,” concludes Daniel Čurka.
