ENGIE achieved guaranteed energy savings in Malacky

The project of modernization, reconstruction and rationalization of buildings and facilities in Malacky, implemented in 2015, using the Guaranteed Energy Service (GES) model was successful. The planned guaranteed energy savings of 28% were achieved and even exceeded while maintaining the comfort of the town’s inhabitants. In June 2017, Malacky was awarded the EFEKTIA award for the best energy efficiency project in the category of public buildings.


ENGIE Services signed a contract with the town of Malacky in 2014 on the basis of winning the tender for the implementation of the project Reconstruction and modernization of 3 buildings in the town’s administration and property – a cinema, a social services home and a sports hall. The project was solved by the Guaranteed Energy Service (GES) model, the main objective of which was the design and implementation of measures to reduce the energy consumption of buildings in the city and their thermal-technical equipment, including the provision of financial resources through the repayment of the investment from the savings achieved and guaranteed by the contractor. After inspecting and carrying out engineering expertise, ENGIE Services proceeded to design a solution in order to identify the savings potential. Within the Energy Services Department (OES), the potential was quantified at €38,000 per year. Once the economic financing model was set up, the documents for the renovation of the buildings and equipment concerned were prepared. Equipment for monitoring energy consumption – an energy monitoring system – was added to the proposal for the implementation of the modernisation. These devices enabled OES staff to monitor and evaluate energy consumption in order to comply with the planned guaranteed savings. ”

From ENGIE Services’ point of view, this is the first energy management project we have implemented. Based on the results of the consumption measurements, we were then able to very quickly propose solutions to the city and building operators that ensured the guaranteed savings were achieved. Thanks to our cooperative and open communication with the city, we were able to achieve these savings in the end.” says Daniel Čurka, Director of the Energy Services Department.

Operation and savings

ENGIE Services completed the upgrades and handed over the renovated equipment and facilities to the City in the fall of 2014. As of the new year 2015, these facilities were put into sharp operation. ENGIE Services, which under the contract undertook to adjust their operating mode to achieve the guaranteed energy savings, started monitoring energy consumption on a daily, weekly and monthly basis and further coordinated the operation of the facilities (e.g. temperature settings and other boundary conditions) based on the measurements. The savings achieved in 2015 and 2016 were compared with the comparative year 2012. During these two years, the guaranteed savings (28% per year) were not only achieved but also exceeded. In 2016, ENGIE Services achieved savings of up to 32%. This year, the company achieved the guaranteed semi-annual savings in the fifth month. ENGIE Services was able to achieve a large part of the savings by replacing the lighting system in the two largest sports halls. By replacing conventional lighting with LED lighting, savings of up to 50% of electricity costs were achieved. By implementing the project, Malacky saved 147 342 kWh of electricity, 307 900 kWh of natural gas and 33 005 kWh of heat annually, which represents a total annual saving of EUR 43 841.

“Each of the three projects – out of the three retrofitted buildings in the city – was specific and demanding to meet the guaranteed savings. For example, the House of Social Services has a soup kitchen with energy-consuming equipment, providing meals for a large group of seniors in Malacky. In addition, the Home operates a day-care centre where a constant internal temperature must be maintained for the elderly. Another example would be the water temperature setting in the swimming pool of the sports hall. The water temperature in the pool, which is set in accordance with the legislation in force on the operation of sports facilities, is not always comfortable for all visitors to the swimming pool. Setting and observing the consumption of the equipment is therefore sometimes extremely difficult. Together with the city, we are trying to find solutions to achieve the specified savings while maintaining the thermal comfort of the residents. Thanks to the mutually functioning cooperation, we have succeeded so far. The city is rightly fighting for its residents, which is very pleasing to us, and we in turn are trying to find solutions to maintain their comfort while achieving the savings we have set out,” explains Daniel Čurka.

Malacky won the EFFEKTIA 2017 award for the GES project

The project Reconstruction of facilities and buildings in Malacky won one of the main prizes of the EFEKTIA competition, which was organized for the first time this June by the Association of Energy Service Providers (APES-SK) in cooperation with the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) and the Slovak Green Building Council (SKGBC). Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for the Energy Union, took over the patronage of the project.
The town of Malacky with its GES project won in the category of public buildings.

Additional information – scope of works

Cinema Záhoran:

  • replacement of original windows and doors
  • insulation of the attic and the building shell and facade
  • replacement of lightning conductor and plumbing structures

Social Services Home:

  • replacement of thermostatic valves
  • installation of IQRC heads
  • hydraulic regulation of the system
  • water flow restrictors at washbasin fittings

Sports hall Malina:

  • installation of a new condensing boiler
  • DHW treatment
  • replacement of thermostatic valves
  • installation of IQRC heads
  • hydraulic regulation of the system
  • replacement of HVAC units (pool unit, locker room ventilation)
  • complete modification of all HVAC nodes
  • Replacement of lighting (LED spotlights and LED lights in the pool, fitness centre and gym)
  • replacement of glazed walls of the swimming pool

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