Category Archives: Guaranteed energy service

ENGIE achieved guaranteed energy savings in Malacky

The project of modernisation, reconstruction and rationalisation of buildings and facilities in Malacky, implemented in 2015, using the Guaranteed Energy Service (GES) model was successful. The planned guaranteed energy savings of 28% were achieved and even exceeded while maintaining the comfort of the town’s inhabitants. In June 2017, Malacky was awarded the EFEKTIA award for the best energy efficiency project in the category of public buildings.

The town of Malacky reduces the energy intensity of buildings

In December 2014, Cofely in Malacky successfully handed over an EPC (Energy Performance Contracting) project, the aim of which was the design and implementation of measures to reduce the energy consumption of thermal-technical equipment and buildings in the administration and property of the town – sports hall, municipal social services centre and cinema.
