Category Archives: Energy services

C3NTINEL – analytical system for energy management

C3NTINEL is an online tool for advanced energy management using “Machine Learning” features. It is used to evaluate and analyze large amounts of data and helps to reduce primary energy consumption along with streamlining the operation of the monitored technology. C3NTINEL allows detailed setup of algorithms that continuously verify over time the effectiveness of the monitored parameters and, ultimately, the achievement of the planned targets.

Energy management in the 21st century

Technology today is evolving at an incredibly fast pace. The cutting-edge ideas of yesterday are being implemented today, and what was a cutting-edge technological gadget a week ago has now been surpassed. At this rate, installations of technology equipment with a 20-year lifecycle are an investment in the past. At some point in time, the technology systems used in the heating, power and industrial sectors will simply be obsolete and non-trendy.
