We have a long-standing commitment to fostering young technical talent, be it primary school pupils, students at vocational secondary schools or technical colleges.
We are therefore extremely pleased that this year we have been advised to support the youngest technicians – kindergarteners from the L. Svoboda kindergarten in Skalica. Thanks to the purchase of a workshop workbench with equipment, this particular kindergarten could be included among other technical kindergartens in Slovakia.
The aim of the technical kindergarten is to encourage and develop children’s technical thinking, creativity, manual skills and verbal competence in defending their ideas. In particular, children’s natural curiosity is exploited.
The workshops, in which children make objects under the supervision of teachers, are equipped with real working tools adapted to the size of children’s hands. Little technicians work with hammers, saws, screwdrivers, drills, hevers and other tools.
“We are glad that we could contribute and create conditions for children in Skalica to develop their technical thinking and creativity. Maybe thanks to such projects they will grow up to be skilled engineers and our potential colleagues,” concludes Katarína Frčová, Marketing Specialist at ENGIE Services.