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ENGIE na Slovensku

patrí medzi lídrov v poskytovaní služieb z oblasti privátnej výroby tepla a Facility manažmentu. Prostredníctvom našich komplexných služieb pomáhame klientom zvyšovať energetickú efektívnosť prevádzok, optimalizovať náklady a znižovať uhlíkovú stopu. 

O nás



Carbon neutrality Heat production and distribution News Technology installations

Investments in the modernisation of thermal power plants in 2024 amounted to almost EUR 3 million

Major modernisation projects included the replacement of distribution lines in several cities, the installation of [...]


Careers News We support

Dual education at ENGIE opens doors for young talents

Bratislava, 24.1.2025 Employer support for the younger generation of students is a key element for [...]


Carbon neutrality ENGIE in Slovakia News We support

ENGIE Eco Schools helped to beautify Vrakuňa Forest Park

The ENGIE Eco Schools project came to life again this year thanks to the cooperation [...]

Všetky aktuality

Carbon neutrality Energy services ENGIE in Slovakia Guaranteed energy service News Property management

Decarbonising buildings is a challenge for the future

Source: survey in the magazine Building Management 3/2024: Decarbonisation of Buildings / Author: Andrea Dingová [...]


Carbon neutrality Electricity and natural gas Energy services ENGIE in Slovakia Heat production and distribution News

The new biogas plant in Moldava nad Bodvou is another milestone of the ENGIE Group on the way to sustainable energy

In 2022, the ENGIE Group acquired ownership of a biogas plant, which it successfully renovated [...]

Všetky aktuality