Termming, a member of the ENGIE Group in Slovakia, continues this year with the planned reconstruction of secondary heat distribution systems. The modernisation of the distribution lines will be carried out in Bratislava Nové Mesto and will contribute to the reduction of heat losses, minimisation of faults and overall efficiency of heat distribution.

PROJECT: Modernization of the distribution system of central heating and TV – heating circuit boiler house Višňová” will be implemented on the streets and in the dates listed in the table:

Lower circuit boiler house Višňová branch A Place of reconstruction, streets and residential housesCommencement of excavationCompletion of excavationFinishing of the ground surface
Višňová 9-11, 13, Višňová 1-3, 5, Višňová 7, Višňová 15-19from 09.05.2022until 08.07..2022until 16.07.2022
Lower circuit boiler house Višňová branch B Place of reconstruction, streets and residential housesCommencement of excavationCompletion of excavationFinishing of the ground surface
Višňová 14, Višňová 8-12, Višňová 2-6, Bárdošova 21-25, Bárdošova 27, Na Revíne 9-13 from 16.05.2022until 17.07.2022until 23.07.2022
Upper circuit boiler house Višňová Place of reconstruction, streets and residential housesCommencement of excavationCompletion of excavationFinishing of the ground surface
Kindergarten Na Revíne 14, Višňová 21, Na Revíne 15, Na Revíne 17, Na Revíne 19, Na Revíne 21from 23.06.2022until 28.08..2022until 03.09.2022

RECONSTRUCTION of secondary distribution of UK and TV heating circuit boiler room VIŠŇOVÁ

The anticipated interruption of hot water supply will be from 8.00 a.m. on the day the outage begins UNTIL 8.00 p.m. on the day the outage ends.

> 2.6.2022-15.6.2022

Višňová 1-5, Višňová 7, Višňová 9-13, Višňová 15-19

> 2.6.2022-6.6.2022, 14.6.2022-23.6.2022

Višňová 2-6, Višňová 8-12, Višňová 14, Bardošova 21-25, Bardošova 27, Na Revíne 9-13

> 23.6.2022-28.6.2022

Bardošova 21-25, Bardošova 27, Na Revíne 9-13

> 7.7.2022-22.7.2022

MS Na Revíne, Višňova 21, Na revíne 15, 17, 19, 21


Notification of building modifications and maintenance works (Consent opinion of TH NM Višňová)

OÚ ŽP Nature Conservation: opinion on SP Višňová

OÚ ŽP Nature protection: felling of trees Višňová

SO 03 Višňová – C – Overall situation of the building hot water distribution

PROJECT: Modernization of the distribution system of central heating and TV – heating circuit boiler room Vlárska will be implemented on the streets and in the dates listed in the table:

Place of reconstruction, streets and residential housesCommencement of excavationCompletion of excavationFinishing of the ground surface
Vlárska 48/A, Rozvodná 17-19, Rozvodná 13-15, Rozvodná 9-11, Klenová 18-20, Klenová 22-24, Klenová 26-28from 13.06.2022until 21.08..2022until 21.08.2022

RECONSTRUCTION of secondary distribution of UK and TV heating circuit boiler room VLÁRSKA

The anticipated interruption of hot water supply will be from 8.00 a.m. on the day the outage begins UNTIL 8.00 p.m. on the day the outage ends.

> 20.6.2022 – 3.7.2022

Residential houses: Rozvodná 9-11, Rozvodná 13-15 Rozvodná 17-19, Klenova 18-20, Klenova 22-24, Klenova 26-28,


Notification of building modifications and maintenance works: consent opinion of TH NM Vlárska

OÚ ŽP Nature Conservation: opinion on the SP Vlárska circuit

OÚ ŽP Nature protection: felling of trees around Vlárska

SO 04 Vlárska: Overall situation of the hot water pipelines