Dear Customer,

TERMMING, a.s., Račianska teplárenská, a.s., Prvá ružinovská spoločnosť a.s. and Bratislavská teplárenská, a.s. inform all customers connected to the OST and PK operated by the above companies that they will keep the heating running also in the following days when the average daily temperature is expected to be more than 13 °C and the conditions for shutting down the heating would be fulfilled. Reasons for not interrupting heating:

  • Ensuring thermal comfort for the residents who are at home on the basis of the resolution of the Government of the Slovak Republic and the order of the Chief Hygienist on the restriction of movement and curfew from 8.4. – 13.4.2020
  • Weather forecast with a forecast of more significant cooling from 14.4.2020

Heating is provided in automatic mode, switching off when the outside temperature rises above 17 °C during the day. At that temperature, the heating is automatically interrupted and only resumes when the outside temperature drops below 15 °C. Current and forecast average daily temperature as determined by assessing available weather forecasts (as of 7.4.2020):

Day Current and predicted average daily temperature
5.4.2020 7,8 °C
6.4.2020 11,0 °C
7.4.2020 11,5 °C
8.4.2020 11,1 °C
9.4.2020 13,1 °C
10.4.2020 14,2 °C
11.4.2020 13,1 °C
12.4.2020 14,9 °C
13.4.2020 14,8 °C
14.4.2020 10,9 °C
15.4.2020 9,7 °C
16.4.2020 11,8 °C
17.4.2020 8,7 °C

We would like to assure the public that both companies are doing their utmost to ensure trouble-free and uninterrupted production and distribution of heat and hot water to their customers.