Bratislava, March 10, 2020 Dear clients, we would like to inform you that due to the current situation related to the possible spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are cancelling the opening hours for the public at the following companies until further notice :
– ENGIE Services a.s.
– ENGIE Services a.s. – ENGIE Services a.s. – ENGIE Services a.s. LMT, a.s.
– SKAL&CO spol. s r.o.
– Službyt, spol. s r.o.
– Tepelné hospodárstvo Moldava, a.s.
– TERMMING, a.s.
– Prvá ružinovská spoločnosť, a.s.
– Račianska teplárenská, a.s.

Thank you for your understanding.

Contact details for individual ENGIE Group companies