Račianska teplárenská , a. s. / TERMMING a.s. Bratislava, Pezinok / Prvá ružinovská společnost a.s.

informs its customers connected to OST and PK that in accordance with Act No.657/2004 on thermal energy and Decree No.152/2005 on the specified time and quality of heat supply to the final consumer, it proceeds to STOP the supply of central heating to customers on 20.10.2022, after evaluating the course of the average daily temperatures for the last days, including their expected development.

We also ask customers to check the heating system in the apartment or house and to vent the radiators in the apartments on the top floor. It is important that the heating elements (thermostatic heads on radiators) in all flats are opened to maximum before the heating starts. This will prevent complications with the system airing up.