The companies of the ENGIE* Group in Slovakia inform their customers that in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic No. 152/2005, pursuant to Section 16(2) of Act No. 657/2004 Coll. on Thermal Energy, discontinue heating from the operated heat sources on 11 May 2021.

In the event that any of the affected customers require a continuation of the UK supply, a written request must be delivered to the heat supplier.

Thank you for your understanding.

*ENGIE Group companies:

ENGIE Services a.s.,
Jarošova 1
831 03 Bratislava

Prvá ružinovská spoločnosť, a.s.
Jarošova 1
831 03 Bratislava

Račianska teplárenská, a.s.
Hečkova 5
831 05 Bratislava

SKAL&CO, spol. s r.o.
Mallého 977/58
909 01 Skalica

Službyt, spol. s r. o.
Hviezdoslavova 473
905 01 Senica

Tepelné hospodárstvo Moldava, a.s.
Ul. Čs. armády 34
045 01 Moldava nad Bodvou

Jarošova 2961/1
831 03 Bratislava